One of the key questions your Recruitment partner should ask you is”How do you define your culture in order to attract the best talent”?
With over 14 years of Executive recruitment in the Canberra marketI consistently hear the same old adage; “We offer a flexible and familyfriendly workplace with a good Worklife Balance”. This should thenprompt a response; “How do you define this in comparison to yourcompetitors?” It is a rare occasion that this prompts a clear and succinctanswer that will differentiate them from their competitors. This iscritical to understand so you can attract and retain the best talent.
Many business leaders seek to create high-performing corporatecultures, however only a few succeed. What do those that succeed havein common? They all understand that the perceptions of the workforceare as significant in shaping behaviours as are the formal processes. Theydo invest in developing and communicating mission statements andcorporate values but does this really change employee behaviour, or arethere hidden, more powerful forces at work that make this investment ineffective?
The key to developing corporate culture, particularly one thatbecomes a source of competitive advantage, requires gaining insight intohow culture is formed; this includes the important role that employees’attitudes and perceptions play in the process. For those that create aculture aligned with their business strategy, the rewards are greater still:a workforce acting in unison as a dedicated powerhouse, moving theorganization toward meeting its strategic goals.
Your corporate culture refers to the conversations (both real andimplied) that you have with your existing and potential employeesabout what it’s like to work for your organisation. It’s how we tell theworld , “People want to work for us, and here’s why!” You might askyourselves “What do we really stand for?” Organisations should considerthe culture and vision, overall work experience, management practicesand behaviours, and engagement factors to best determine this.
By capitalising on your culture, companies get noticed by topperformers who have goals and values that are aligned with those ofthe organisation. This results in a powerful synergy that drives not onlybusiness, but also future talent attraction and staff retention.
Level 3, Canberra House, 40 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra City
T: (02) 6257 1010 |

Level 3, Canberra House, 40 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra City T: (02) 6257 1010 |