Are you looking to make business investment decisions, such as refinancing, acquisitions, internal investments, project investments or capex spend decisions and pricing services, products or tenders?
If so, you will be considering how to ensure you have the strongest possible plan for your transaction or business case idea.
You will also be keen to show your decision is financially rigorous and that your analysis is sound. When undertaking any of the above mentioned business decisions a financial model whether simple or complicated should be a key factor in the decision making process.
Many businesses are often too focused on the strategic rationale behind decision making and fail to properly calculate the financial implications both on earnings and their balance sheet or capital base. A financial model will help any business link the strategic purpose behind decision making to financial return and performance i.e. is the investment worthwhile from a financial return prospective not just a good idea!
Robust financial modelling requires a detailed understanding of best practice techniques, analysis and logic. Building an effective business financial model can be a complex and difficult task and, as a result, it is no surprise that the majority of business models contain errors or do not account for all the financial implications of a decision.
The size and number of errors and omissions can significantly change the interpretation of a situation and it is crucial to be accurate to ensure you are making informed business investment decisions.
No matter the size of the decision or project, Maxim Corporate Advisory and Transactions can help enhance your understanding with insightful financial analysis and modelling, enabling you to make better decisions and achieve greater value and financial returns.
We can help you with the value analytics, financial modelling and the business case process to test and better inform your key business investment choices. We work closely with our clients to help with business case development and model builds to provide the financial information you need to make your critical business investment decision.