Nina chats to Jenny Edwards in the latest Powered by Passion series.
“If you can’t see it, you can’t be it” goes the mantra: we all need role models and inspiration, and sometimes the most powerful icons are right there in our own backyards.
Powered by Passion is a new Region Media series by Nina Gbor that takes us inside the lives and motivations of some remarkable Canberra women.
This week, Nina speaks to Jenny Edwards from Light House Architecture and Science. Jenny’s multi-award winning architecture firm is at the forefront of innovative design with an emphasis on sustainability. Her goal is to see more space and energy-efficient houses in Canberra that are both innovative and inviting. By marrying science with architecture, this sustainable scientist and her team are trying to change Canberra’s housing landscape – one cosy, sustainable, light-filled home at a time.
Watch the full interview for more information, including how to get in touch with Jenny.
Powered by Passion: Jenny Edwards – sustainable housing champion
If you’ve ever wondered how to reinvent your home so that it's more sustainable, energy efficient and light-filled, then this week’s Powered by Passion clip is for you. Nina Gbor talks to change champion Jenny Edwards about all things sustainable housing and why it’s so important. Hit play to learn more about the key things you can do to get started.
Posted by The RiotACT on Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Original Article published by Ruwendi Wakwella on The RiotACT.
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