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Businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on social media as a marketing tool and way to interact with existing and potential...
Most people assume that bookkeepers and accountants get along very well. The reality, however, is they tend not to share...
Business Law
These days, information is can be the most valuable asset a business can own - so how do you protect...
Business Sustainability
As a business, is it worth checking out how your business can get climate ready? Getting climate ready includes reducing...
Cash Flow Solutions
They say cash is king. Find out how to give yours the royal treatment. There's a golden rule in business...
Cyber Security
Cyber Security attacks are on the rise at the same time as budgets for IT programs are undergoing cost cutting...
Expert Advice
The Australian Financial Review recently contained two articles which highlighted the growing importance of intellectual property in international trade. The...
Voluntary staff turnover has risen in 29% of organisations over the past year. That's one of the many findings in...
Expert Advice
As the nation's capital lurches its way towards the end of another cold winter, we can all breathe a collective...
Expert Advice
I often say, customer service is the best form of marketing. Customers are the reason we are all in business....
Issue 118 August 2016
We might not have a mining industry but we have something even better in Canberra: we have the Capital of...
Cover Story
"Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!" Not exactly my first memory of a robot (I think the Daleks have that honour),...
Cover Story
John Gillespie, director and founder of the Gillespie Group, started the business in 1989 after six years at 'big four'...

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@B2BinCanberra 3 years ago
Chief Minister Andrew Barr has returned from the Philippines, with an update on when we may see direct flights from #Canberra to Singapore return
@B2BinCanberra 3 years ago
A #Canberra #dance studio director has shaped the lives of more than 350 students through dance - and now she’s been celebrated with a raft of finalist nominations in national community and entrepreneurial awards
@B2BinCanberra 3 years ago
With changes to the Government’s Commonwealth Procurement Rules, a #Canberra husband and wife team have decided to ride the national capital’s thriving commercial property market wave… and open Raine & Horne Commercial Canberra