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Expert Advice
The way we did business 25 years ago is very different to today, and to what it will be in...
Expert Advice
When times are hard, the cry always goes up to cut costs. It's not the best place to start. In...
Expert Advice
In its most basic form communication is the ability to convey a message to an audience. Communication is also the...
Expert Advice
When a deal involves financing a newly completed property for investment purposes a key element in a Lender's assessment of...
Expert Advice
McDonaldization is a term used to describe a society with a fast food culture. Although the number of fast food...
For many people, updating their Facebook page, sending a tweet or keeping their blogs fresh are easy ways to stay...
Estate Planning
If you are a diligent reader of this column, then you will already be aware of the importance of having...
Expert Advice
After a trade mark application is filed it is examined by a Trade Mark Examiner. All trade mark applicants hope...
Corporate Governance
The recently released Directors Social Impact Study again provided fascinating insights into the governance of the Not for Profit (...
Business Law
Australia exists as one of the most regulated economies in the world. As new technology and access to information sweeps...
All not for profit organisations need to manage risk, from small local associations through to national peak bodies. While the...
Audits by the ACT Revenue Office (ACTRO) for payroll tax purposes can result in significant tax liabilities for the unprepared,...
INTERNATIONAL AID CRUSADER TAKES OUT TOP ACT BUSINESS AWARD 10 October, 2013 - A woman who grew up in war-torn...
Looking for an Aussie Christmas venue then the Captains Flat Hotel - Home of the Long Bar, is for you....
Online shops have been growing in popularity as consumers are drawn to the convenience of shopping online, wherever and whenever...
An ongoing shortage of high-level skills means that Australia's labour market is yet to find balanced ground, according to our...

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@B2BinCanberra 3 years ago
Chief Minister Andrew Barr has returned from the Philippines, with an update on when we may see direct flights from #Canberra to Singapore return
@B2BinCanberra 3 years ago
A #Canberra #dance studio director has shaped the lives of more than 350 students through dance - and now she’s been celebrated with a raft of finalist nominations in national community and entrepreneurial awards
@B2BinCanberra 3 years ago
With changes to the Government’s Commonwealth Procurement Rules, a #Canberra husband and wife team have decided to ride the national capital’s thriving commercial property market wave… and open Raine & Horne Commercial Canberra