The ACT Government wants to capitalise on the territory’s growing innovation sector with a new ideas and technology-based festival in the winter months. Photo: Supplied.
The ACT Government is hoping to fill a gap in the events calendar with a new Winter Festival next year to promote Canberra as a home of innovation, new technology and creative thinking.
Last year’s budget allocated $1.85 million to the 2020 festival and a tender has been released for an experienced event executive producer to deliver and run it over six days.
The tender’s Statement of Requirement says the new festival will showcase the Territory as a leader in innovation by bringing together creative thinkers, technologists, futurists, artists and designers.
“It will provide a platform for diverse thoughts and engagement to imagine tomorrow’s future, generate new ideas and support emerging talent to inspire delegates and event attendees,” it says.
The Government envisages an event that includes fairs and expos with a festival vibe featuring music, food, showcases, launches and demonstrations of the latest advancements in technology, robotics and artificial intelligence.
One idea is for a Futures Summit of industry and international leaders, as well as high-profile keynote events, networking activities, workshops and panels.
The Government also wants to provide opportunities for the local business community to showcase local innovation and promote what it sees as the ACT’s strengths in design, culture, coding and gaming.
The event will have four key event pillars – the future of society and humanity, democracy, technology, and culture.
The successful contractor will work with Events ACT and VisitCanberra to deliver a new event for Canberra that ‘adds vibrancy to the ACT community, increases community satisfaction and pride, and generates tourism and economic outcomes for the Territory’.
It will deliver an event project plan and budget by 18 September; a draft program, outlining the festival’s broad theme, venues and partners/participants by 16 October; and an evaluation report within four weeks of the festival’s completion.
The Government believes the festival also has the potential to leverage off complementary existing events in Canberra.
Tenders have also been released for Executive Producers for Enlighten (2020-22) and Floriade and Nightfest (2020-24).
All tenders close on 18 June.
Original Article published by Ian Bushnell on The RiotACT.
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