One of the primary roles of a Strata Manager is facilitating the meetings of an Owners Corporation, a role that includes maintaining order, focus on the agenda,and ensuring that each articipant has an equal opportunity to have their voice heard. Successfully leading a meeting is a skill actively developed by a successful Strata Manager through experience and ongoing training.
Formal meeting procedure is founded on Parliamentary process, with significant reference to Joske’s Law and procedure at meetings. Setting rules and relaying this methodology enables members at the meeting to be aware of what is expected and how they should behave.
- respect authority of the chair at all times -any member wishing to speak must direct this through the chair -only matters noted on the agenda can be discussed. No floor motions can be tabled unless they are non-substantive, only procedural
- if an amendment is carried, the original motion must be put
- if amendment is unsuccessful , the original motion must be put
- amendment must be in the positive
- voting must be by voices, proxy, show of hands or by poll (a poll must be called prior to the vote being taken on the motion)
- a speaker must not digress from the subject
- the chairperson can direct the discussion to stop if considered unproductive or inappropriate
- no other member can speak until the motion or amendment has been seconded
- only the proposer can speak more than once during a debate
- chair can call for speakers for & against ,to talk alternatively
- if a member calls ‘point of order’ the motion must be put
- an entitled member can move the meeting be adjourned if unproductive
Ultimately, members must strive to serve the best interests of the community under guidance from their Strata Manager, regardless of personal interests. Strata Community Association (ACT) presents a number of courses annually to assist its’ members in developing the skills required to successfully facilitate owners corporation meetings. For further information, and to check whether your Strata Manager is a member of the SCA, please visit our website
Sally Shaw
Strata Community Association (ACT)