Have you ever visited a website to book a holiday to Fiji and then wondered why every website you visit after that is showing you ads for tropical holiday deals? It is very likely that you are being “re-marketed” to via the Google Ad Display Network. This is a really great online marketing tool and it is available to all businesses with a website, not exclusively holiday websites.
I love the re-marketing feature in AdWords because it allows you to follow up on any lost leads to your website. Let me explain briefly how it can work for your business online.
When a potential customer visits a designated page on your website, from a paid click or otherwise, they can be added to a re-marketing list. This list works by firstly engaging your AdWords Partner to place a piece of code on the webpage that you want to target, and then by firing a piece of code (cookie) on to the computer of each new visitor. This cookie identifies the visitor to Google as an interested lead and adds them to your re-marketing list. Once your list has 100 entries, you start chasing your leads all over the internet with image and text ads which can be displayed on any website feeding ads from the Google Display Network.
Remember, Google does not charge you to show your ads, only when people click on them and continue through to your website. And now your ads are displaying to people who are considered very strong leads having been to your website previously.
The code can be placed on any page of any website and should be targeted to pages such as specific product listings, a “thank you” page following a purchase, or even abandoned shopping carts. The point is to be able to identify the visitor in order to start showing them relevant ads encouraging them to return to your website. You can chase people for up to 540 days or until we tell them to be removed from the list.
Re-marketing integration and management is included in the AdWords accounts of all nFlame Creative clients. All you need to do is engage us as your Google Partner agency and provide access for us to place some code on the relevant pages of your website. It really is that simple.
Next month we will talk about designing your website to best utilise; Email Marketing, SMS Marketing, and measuring sales conversions with Google AdWords and Google Analytics.