The ACT Chief Ministers Export Awards for2013 are underway, with the launch of the Awards and the online application portalon May 1, 2013.
Be recognised for your exporting and international business achievements and join the likes of Canberra success stories such as Aspen Medical, Intelle dox and Datapod, all of whom havebeen recognised for outstanding export success.
Winning an Export Award gives you recognition;it provides a chance to profile your company in front of a wider audience and gives you free PR. Getting an export award is not just about winning – it’s also about having your peers recognise your company’s excellence.
Past entrants have found that entering Awardsis also a great way of evaluating how your company is going. The information that goes into the Export Awards application should be used for updating your business plan. All successful companies review their business plans on a regular basis. The Export awards provide a perfect reason for reviewing your strategies, plans and finances.
Success breeds success – when you enter and winan Award, you can put the Export Awards symbol on your letterhead, websites and promotional material. It commands respect.
Entering Awards programs are also a great way of evaluating how your company is travelling, and provides an opportunity to celebrate with your staff,and contacts along your supply chain!
For previous ACT Chief Ministers Export Award winners, XP Solutions, the real prize was qualifying for the APEC Business travel card. The scheme allows accredited business people to obtain an APEC Business Travel Card for multiple short-term visits to other APEC economies over a three year period.This saves business people time and effort involvedin applying for individual visas or entry permits each time they want to travel for business. The Card is like the Gold card for travel – it allows you to fast track immigration processing lanes!
There are 18 of the 21 APEC economies who fully participate in the APEC Business Travel Card scheme.These countries are:
Sudesh Mudaliar, of XP Solutions said ‘The APEC Travel Card makes travelling overseas for business somuch easier. It simplifies the Visa process, because the card covers the Visas for 18 countries for 3years. But more importantly for a frequent business traveller, I can fast track through airport immigration queues around the world. No more standing in linefor hours on end!
“XP Solutions won the Information and Communication Technology Export Award in 2012. They provide software technology and professional solutions to engineering organisations, environmental management organisations, and government agencies worldwide to plan, design, simulate and manage the physical and social environment.
The Export Award Categories this year have been changed to better reflect Australian businesses,and to make the naming of the categories more maningful to businesses.
To enter the 2013 ACT Chief Ministers ExportAwards please go to
To assist you to enter the ACT Chief MinistersExport Awards, The ACT Exporters’ Network will berunning export and business plan webinars. Please go to, or contact Ellen Pope, for further details.
Please note, applications for the Export Awards close on 15 August, 2013, and the Awards are announced at a celebration lunch on Thursday the26th September, 2013.

The ACT Exporter’s Network works with exporters from the Canberra region, to build opportunities in overseas markets. If you require assistance, would like to be involved in our events, or find out more about the Network, please visit our website ( or contact Ellen Pope, ellen.pope@ or 02 6247 4199