One of the first decisions I made as Chief Minister, back in late 2014, was to establish a new ‘one-stop shop’ for business, to better connect small and large business with government and reduce red tape.
All businesses interact with government – some do this many times a day – so the ‘one stop shop’ solution aimed to be an efficient and effective way of helping business. Access Canberra is proving that this is possible, through online, phone call centres and shopfront options.
In the past two years, we have made it easier, simpler and faster for businesses and residents to access the ACT Government. Now, just over 60 per cent of all transactions are carried out through Access Canberra’s comprehensive online services hub.
There are currently 213 online services at Access Canberra providing residents and businesses with options to pay their rates, get help with fair trading registration, obtaining a builder licence and pay land taxes, among many other services.
Refreshed shopfronts have incorporated technology to reduce waiting times and enable transactions to be more efficient. All Access Canberra shopfronts are cashless, enhancing the ease at which people can interact with government.
This major reform has been a challenge, but I’m pleased to say many ACT Government agencies have risen to it, and their cooperation is providing tangible results.
This reform is part of a whole of government approach to enhancing the way business and government interact. This includes providing local businesses better opportunities to work with, and for, government.
The Small Business Innovation Partnerships program, for example, connects small-to-medium enterprises with the ACT Government to deliver innovative solutions to
complex problems within government.
It provides opportunities for businesses to develop and showcase their ideas and intellectual property.
While we do look for innovative technological solutions to problems, the program includes all aspects of government. A recent opportunity from ACT Parks and Conservation Service wanted a motivated business partner to deliver nature-based experiences through reusing former ranger houses in Namadgi National Park and
Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve.
We have made great strides over the past few years to break down the walls between business and government and this work will continue apace over the coming term of government.
Chief Minister | Treasurer | Minister for Economic Development | Minister for Tourism & Major Events