Publisher’s Note

Issue 125 April 2017
Stealing the famous quote of Mark Twain, 'the report of my death has been grossly exaggerated', the same can be said about printed magazines. For about five years now a couple of so called 'marketing' experts have been running around Canberra telling businesses that 'print is dead' and 'a waste of your marketing dollars'. First, these 'experts' have been charading...

Comment by Tim Benson, Publisher, B2B Magazine I recently received the statistics and dollar figure spend on Canberra based bands, artists and entertainers compared to those from interstate and overseas for Canberra's Enlighten. They are not good. In fact, they are worse than I imagined: Of the $113,000 of ACT tax payers' money spent on bands, artists and entertainers at...

In this 2CC podcast, B2B Publisher Tim Benson discusses issues including penalty rates, The Canberra Show, cash payments and the role of customer service in business.

Remember that thing called the telephone? Comment by Tim Benson, publisher B2B Magazine. Teenagers today have a new name and it is 'screenagers'. But, of course, this doesn't only apply to teenagers. Today it also applies to Gen Xers and Gen Ys (most BabyBoomers have good manners and keep their screen-time to sensible levels). Everything that could pass for interaction...

Top 3 reasons people fail at business networking. By Tim Benson, publisher B2B Magazine. As the owner and publisher of B2B Magazine for more that a decade, I have attended, hundreds, if not thousands, of business networking events (If you go back even further to the decade I worked as a political adviser, then add another kazillion events that I...

Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung considered the most important factor for happiness in the human mind to be good physical and mental health. Our overall happiness requires a combination of a healthy self-esteem, confidence and connection. However, our appearance and more importantly, the way we feel about ourselves has a significant impact in achieving this combination. New independent research has...

Are Canberra businesses and bands getting their fair share from Enlighten? By Tim Benson, Publisher B2B Magazine. ***Before we start: I am a big fan of Enlighten, have nothing against Sydney band Tigertown and don't believe all entertainment and services should be provided to ACT Government events by Canberra based businesses. I recently received an email from a Sydney based...

In March, we celebrate International Women's Day (IWD). According to the IWD homepage the World Economic Forum predicts the gender gap won't close entirely until 2186. So, don't hold your breath for that one. But there are plenty of good thing to celebrate in the meantime. One of them is that the B2B Magazine website is visited by more women...

Comment from Tim Benson, Publisher B2B Magazine. Are Canberra's drivers the worst in Australia? As a Canberran who has lived here for 40 years (I'm 48) I would like to suggest that Canberra drivers are the worst and most inconsiderate drivers in Australia. I am constantly shocked by the actions of my fellow drivers. Whether it is watching drivers speed...

Comment by Tim Benson B2B Magazine Publisher. Time for Labor to keep its head down and gloves up … Having worked as a political adviser for over a decade (for my sins, in my misspent youth), I was made aware of a boxing analogy that is most sage advice for oppositions and that is to 'Keep your head down and...

Comment by Tim Benson Publisher B2B Magazine Johnny Cash and the business of getting paid … Have you ever wondered why accountants, bookkeepers and business advisors tell you to stay on top of your debtors, whilst on the other hand advise you to string out your creditors? Well, probably, because, I assume, its sound business advice. What would I know...

Is the Canberra Show good or bad for Canberra business? Comment by B2B Magazine publisher Tim Benson Ok, now, before you all get you knickers in a knot about me being a killjoy, let me state upfront that I'm a great supporter of the Canberra Show and will be attending to look at the animals, buy showbags, go on the...

Issue 123 February 2017
Some of us aspire to become 'trusted advisors'. But what does this mean and how does one attain such lofty status. Well, unfortunately, you are not born a 'trusted advisor'. You have to work your way up to this valuable position. You have to, in fact, earn this level of trust. So, what is a 'trusted advisor'. The term came...