May 2016 Issue 115

G2B: Chief Minister’s Message
We have every reason to be optimistic and ambitious. That is why my government is taking the bold steps now to deliver the benefits Canberrans need over the next 20 years. In my recent State of the Territory address, I launched the ACT's Government's Statement of Ambition for Canberra - which outlines a clear trajectory to deliver a compact and...

We often hear that employees want to leave their current role because of their manager. However, behind this is often a team that is also impacting the employee's decision to look elsewhere. 'Teamwork' is a critical factor for employee retention and now more then ever, we are seeing candidates wanting to be part of a team that is successful. Teamwork...

You are a child of the 80s and 90s - a product of the Generation Y era, just like me. You're young, healthy,technologically savvy and enjoying the best years of your life. The topic of 'estate planning' is probably not on the top of your to-do list. Or perhaps it is, and you have filed the topic in your 'too...

Hidden within the pristine islands of Vanuatu is a little island paradise Ratua Private Island.It offers a unique eco-lodge and authentic pacific experience combined with its charming character that makes this destination appealing to passionate adventurers and nature lovers.Staying in any of its rustic villa handcrafted from 200-year old Indonesian teak houses is a celebration in itself! Thirteen villas are...

This is a question I have been asked too many times to count. So how did I end up in recruitment? How does anyone? My answer to this is like many others in the profession…I stumbled into it and put simply….it just fits. A more constructive question however would be, what have I gained from the experience, and why would...

The foundation of any successful business strategy is market intelligence. Being informed means you can make competent decisions about your business's direction and have the foresight to predict and be prepared for the challenges ahead. Market intelligence means knowing the context of the economic environment you are operating in, understanding your consumer, and how your product or service plays a...

If you are a busy person that currently invests a lot of money in a personal trainer each week or someone that would like a personal trainer but baulk at the cost - then Trick Fitness is for you. Most personal trainers charge between $60 to $120 per session. At Trick Fitness you could train 10+ times a week with...

In our March edition we introduced you to Kristin Miller, the founder of Smart Business Guardian and Trade Guardian. We learned about the business administration and bookkeeping support offered to a range of clients including tradespeople, professional association and a variety of small businesses. "Smart Business Guardian started as a simple one-person service that helped tradespeople and small businesses deal...

Since starting out in 2009, my staff and I have dealt with a wide range of customers from different industries and it got me thinking about what makes a customer great or ideal. Among our pool of customers, there are some who we thoroughly enjoy working with, and I'm confident to say that we'll be working partners for the long-term....

Business Law
Small businesses will soon enjoy the benefits of protection against unfair contract terms in their dealings with other businesses. Currently, only consumers who enter into standard form contracts can claim protection from unfair contract terms under the Competition & Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (the Act). However, small business can be just as vulnerable, often lacking the bargaining power to negotiate...

Business Sustainability
Public events can produce significant amounts of waste material, much of which is potentially recyclable, including paper, cardboard, glass, metal, plastics and organics. Furthermore, event patrons are increasingly expecting access to recycling services at ACT events. Event organisers can play a positive role in implementing and encouraging sustainable activities and behaviour, both at an event and in the broader sense...

Family Law
Many factors go into working out how best to divide assets following the breakdown of a relationship. One factor that can be overlooked in negotiations is the taxation consequences of a proposed division. It is important to understand how stamp duty in particular applies to family law settlements. Stamp Duty is a tax levied by State and Territory governments. Typically...

Expert Advice
Recent times have brought back fears of a global economic slowdown, with concerns surrounding China adding substantial volatility to the markets. These unsure times generally cause investors to question their investment strategies and can lead to some investors giving up on their carefully laid plans and selling at inopportune times. As with all investing, sometimes that tip you receive or...