January-February 2014 Issue 90

Expert Advice
I hope you had a nice Christmas and enjoyed the break. In October last year, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that the ACT was the most 'connected' state in Australia. Given this, and the fact that internet usage and the range of devices used by people is growing at a phenomenal rate, it's important to spend time now planning...

Expert Advice
Towards the end of 2013 we saw business confidence start to rise, which should feed through into the labour market in the first few months of 2014. Australia's economy is maintaining momentum and consumer confidence is strong heading into 2014. Consumer sentiment is being buoyed by low interest rates, rising house and share prices, and relatively stable unemployment. Whilst there...

Expert Advice
To me, the introduction by most Lenders of a 100% linked mortgage offset account offering was the best thing since sliced bread in providing the opportunity to reduce mortgage interest charges. Other than the mortgage holder using the account nothing more need be done to gain the benefit of reduced interest charges. What could be easier? And yet, I am...

Expert Advice
Being part of the Canberra tennis community for over 15 years I've seen a new generation of tennis players, coaches, and clubs transition into the new era. Tennis reaches new heights each year as the Australian Open treats us to a game we all feel a part of. As a professional tennis coach I feel the joy and excitement when...

As you head into the New Year and begin to reflect on all those things you have and have not achieved in 2013, consider the benefit of obtaining legal advice about your family law matter from an experienced family lawyer. Consider:- * Have you delayed your property settlement too long and what could that mean for you? * Are you...

Estate Planning
All relationships come to an end. Personal relationships through death or divorce. Business relationships through death or retirement. So ending a business relationship may be planned (retirement) or unplanned (death or serious disability). If you are a small business owner, are you ready for these? If you were to be struck down by the proverbial truck tomorrow how would your...

Expert Advice
We often hear people talking about 'rights in data' in the context of drafting agreements, but what rights exist in data? From a legal perspective, the key rights affecting data are intellectual property rights, subdivided into copyright and confidentiality, and privacy (a.k.a. 'data protection' in the EU). Copyright in data Many people are surprised on learning that copyright protection is...

Corporate Governance
Directors of Australia's sports boards have rated the effectiveness of their boards below the average not-for-profit (NFP), the 2013 Directors Social Impact Study, has revealed. The Director Social Impact Study (DSIS), sponsored by Commonwealth Bank and conducted by Curtin University on behalf of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, indicates that sports boards need to do more to improve their...

Business Law
Whether you are contemplating a new venture, or a shakeup of your existing business, the New Year is a great time to ask - which business structure is right for me? Every business is different, but they share a raft of common concerns. The three most commonly used vehicles are sole trader, partnership and private company. Each strikes a different...

While Australian businesses can be quick to embrace new technology, many aren't as quick to adopt solid IT security measures. How secure are your IT arrangements? According to a recent study, almost a third of Australian businesses surveyed experienced cybercrime in the preceding twelve months. As advances in technology make it easier for us to do business, those same advances...

Canberra Web is a branding and graphic design business that knows how to position clients to their best advantage with smart strategy and high-impact creative design solutions. Their philosophy? Make the idea clear and simple, the design surprising and beautiful. UNIQUE & CAPTIVATING GRAPHIC DESIGN At Canberra Web, their team of graphic designers will take you through the creative process...

As we get closer to 2020, enterprises that fail to change are likely to be left standing while those that align their sales process and training with new client expectations and the changed sales environment are likely to be the winners. Boutique sales consultancy Banjar Group recently prepared the white paper Sales Shift 2020 to outline and explain the nature...

The answer to this question and whether you have a say depends on which fund your superannuation is with and the rules of the fund. Interestingly, sometimes you do not get a say in who gets your superannuation when you die. By Brendan Cockerill, Senior Associate - Business and Succession Given the rapid increase in the amount of money people...