January 2013 Issue 79

Expert Advice
This is a topic that never goes away - it just varies in terms of degrees. Now, more than ever, employers are up against huge competition to retain and motivate their good staff. Losing staff is costly to any organisation; in dollar costs, lost productivity, loss of corporate knowledge and general workplace disruption. Retention strategies are not one off actions...

Estate Planning
With the rise in the value of the Aussie Dollar many people are considering taking advantage of the exchange rate and squeezing in some overseas travel. One of your pre-trip preparations should be: "REVIEW ESTATE PLAN" Did you know that the risk of dying while travelling overseas averages out to around 1 in 5000? Compare that to the annual chance...

Document Management
We're all feeling the pressure to reduce our carbon footprint these days and what a better way to start the year than enacting eight simple changes to how staff print and manage documents in your office? 1. Rationalise your office equipment There is no longer a need to buy and run individual printers, photocopiers, scanners and faxes - a multifunctional...

Corporate Governance
I wrote in a column in 2012 about the benefits that advisory boards can offer to smaller businesses. In this first column of 2013, I am revisiting this theme but on a broader scale, by looking at the importance of good governance for any type of organisation, including Not For Profit, Private and Public Sector organisations. There has long been...

Expert Advice
Like sands through the hour glass, the eventual winding down of your business (or your role in your business) is inevitable. But even if your New Year's resolution is not to commence the move towards exiting your business, planning your escape should not be left until it is unavoidable due to age, health or circumstances. The best time to consider...

The Federal government has recently introduced new measures to strengthen the regulatory framework in which self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) operate. These new responsibilities commenced 7 August 2012 and apply to all SMSF Trustees. Insurance Needs A new consideration which must now become a focus for SMSF Trustees is the requirement to consider the insurance needs of all SMSF members...

B2B Property
As a landscaper on New Parliament House in 1987 Peter decided to go into real estate. Peter worked for Realty World for the next nine years and after three years he became a sales manager. In 1996 Peter bought a Realty World franchise and in 1998 renamed it to Maloney's Real Estate. "We initially focused on property management. We started...

B2B Property
Bendigo Community Bank will put back 80% or more of it's profits into community services, groups, charities and events - profits derived directly from the level of funds in bank accounts with the Community Bank. So why doesn't Government, and every government agency, invest some of their funds on term deposit with Canberra's Community Bank Branches of Bendigo Bank? Understandably...

The Now can be a difficult question for business owners to answer as it requires an honest assessment of the good and the bad within the business, encompassing: * Financial performance trends * Benchmarks * Staffing issues * System and process issues * Customer and product profitability * Market and wider economy factors Reviewing these internal and external factors allows...

January 2013 Issue 79
Separation is a huge step. Sometimes, while dealing with the big issues, little things are left behind. Doing the right thing in small ways can make for an easier transition to living separately and also build some goodwill. Sometimes the small things can jeopardise agreement being reached. I have been present at settlement conferences that have failed because of a...

B2B Property
After you have made the hard decision and decided to sell your business, the next step is to understand what a fair market price is for your business. This is the time to be realistic about what a buyer will pay for your business. To determine a realistic market price you must take all of the following into consideration: *...

ACT Chamber
The ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry supports all business in the ACT and surrounding region. The Chamber is unique as our membership is extremely diverse. Our members range in size from nonemployers to national organisations and we have members from all industries. Canberra is a fantastic community, and we offer our members the same sense of community....