Issue 125 April 2017

Issue 125 April 2017
Venue: National Gallery of Australia Photography: Tim Benson

Issue 125 April 2017
Venue: Federal Golf Club Photography: Tim Benson

Issue 125 April 2017
Venue: National Museum Photography: Tim Benson

Strata living is the fastest growing type of residential ownership in Australia. Latest statistics indicate that current percentage of medium to high density living in Australia is almost 40%. Expected growth over the next decade for metropolitan areas will see over half new constructions to be strata titled. To date in NSW there has been in excess of 93,000 schemes...

Cover Story
For Brian O'Rourke, a 40 plus year rugby tragic and player, it was those same characteristics which empowered him to build a small two-person business in Canberra into a multi-award winning national enterprise. Established some 20 years ago in the spare bedroom of a rented high rise apartment in Kingston, Rork Projects is now one of Australia's prominent fitout and...

Apparently, everyone is doing it. Tinder is the way all new relationships are starting. Right? Well, it seems this new form of connecting with people is taking over the business space. While we have referred to it as networking in the past, this could be more fun. Managing our business profile via social media, whether we use Tinder, Facebook, Instagram...

A competitive salary and impressive work-life balance sound ideal but they aren't enough to keep your best employees. According to our recent survey of 1,516 people, 61 per cent look for another job in order to secure more challenging or exciting work. This was followed closely by a lack of career development (60 per cent). The opportunity to improve salary...

20% of our clients are in the retail & food industry or in a business using a Point of Sales (POS) system. Their daily transactions are composed of 20-30% cash and 70-80% Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sales (EFTPOS). Though the level of cash transactions may be seen as low, substantial fraud can often take place in cash transactions....

Business Law
In the Australian Consumer Law, the people have remedies against two separate but equally important groups: the retailers, who sell the goods; and the manufacturers, who produce the goods. This is the manufacturer's story. Last month I wrote about consumer guarantees - the rights and obligations of retailers, but the story for manufacturers is different, and their liability essentially stems...

Associations To Business
By the time you are reading this column, Canberra will have just finished its second annual CBR 31 Days, a program of events designed to encourage visitors and locals to explore our city and take part in some of the many activities on offer. March in Canberra presents a catalogue of different experiences for locals and visitors to enjoy. There...

G2B: Chief Minister’s Message
One of the first decisions I made as Chief Minister, back in late 2014, was to establish a new 'one-stop shop' for business, to better connect small and large business with government and reduce red tape. All businesses interact with government - some do this many times a day - so the 'one stop shop' solution aimed to be an...