With the end of the financial year fast approaching, organisations need to start looking at ways to minimise tax liabilities. While business owners should have strategies in place all year round to reduce tax liabilities, 30 June presents some additional opportunities and is a critical deadline for minimising tax for the financial year. Seven key opportunities to reduce tax liabilities...

Small to medium sized businesses are finding ways to streamline their business operations by moving away from traditional on-site servers to internet based servers, a process known as 'cloud computing. 'Cloud computing refers to the storage of information, applications and other business tools online. The hardware used for this informationis stored in a remote location and managed by a third...

April 2013 Issue 81
We have seen major disasters over the past few years both in and outside of Australia that have caused significant disruption to businesses of all sizes. The Queensland floods, the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami are two that spring to mind. It needn't to be a major disaster, however, to render your business unable to operate in a 'business as usual'...

April 2013 Issue 81
One of the key questions your Recruitment partner should ask you is"How do you define your culture in order to attract the best talent"? With over 14 years of Executive recruitment in the Canberra marketI consistently hear the same old adage; "We offer a flexible and familyfriendly workplace with a good Worklife Balance". This should thenprompt a response; "How do...

April 2013 Issue 81
What's the reason we go to work? What's the reason we eat? What'sthe reason we exercise? Firstly, we go to work because in this urbanised society a secure jobthat provides for our basic needs presents us and those around us agreater chance live a full and enriched life. Secondly, eating is a necessity of life. We eat to satisfy our...

April 2013 Issue 81
Can you make a gift in your will to a self managed superannuationfund (SMSF)? Yes. But it is rarely used and potentially treacherous path. However,if you find a safe way through your beneficiaries could reap substantial rewards. Take the following scenario. Carlisle has two kids Jasper and Alice.Carlisle gets bad news from his doctor and he knows his time is...

April 2013 Issue 81
With a huge escalation in the amount of information received by organisations it's now increasingly important to keep sensitive information securely protected. Technology is a great enabler, and as much as it provides more opportunity for businesses to achieve success, it is unbiased in who and how success is achieved: just look at WikiLeaks. The challenge of protecting business critical...

April 2013 Issue 81
Another start to a sporting year, and the headlines have been mostly negative, whether it relates to the major football codes, cricket or indeed Olympic sports. The reviews undertaken after the Olympics and recently announced by the Australian Sports Commission have clearly focuses on improving corporate governance. A couple of quotes from a recent statement affirms this view: "While good...

Business Advisory
We'll get your business and your people set up, in place and ready forwork on time. Total Solutions For You We have expertise in professional relocation management andcommercial relocation services. We understand the wider issues, theneed for careful planning, detailed project management and clearcommunication with your staff. Our experienced team takes total responsibility for your relocation,leaving you to concentrate on...

Expert Advice
The purpose of performance management is to improve performance. It is an ongoing process. It includes informal and formal discussions. Following on from our last column about staff retention, the performance review is a great opportunity for a team member and their manager to "get on the same page". Our Business Manager, Linda, has retained some wise words from a...

Estate Planning
The law is full of unusual cases. Here is a recent case that went all the way to the High Court. The Husband and Wife had been married since 1971. They both had children from previous marriages. Their wills left their respective estates to the children from their first marriages. However, the house they lived in was in the name...

Expert Advice
As the volume of information flowing through businesses increases approximately 50% a year*, there's no doubt controlling the costs of managing business critical documents is an increasingly formidable challenge. Yet one of the findings in a recent IDC survey of C-level and IT management showed that many of these executives assumed that their existing document management costs and consequences were...

Corporate Governance
A recent report out of Canada is again highlighting the importance of good governance of organisations by highlighting the connection between better corporate boards and financial results. At the Australian Institute of Company Directors, we have long argued the importance of good governance and that diversity in the boardroom is critically important in achieving good governance. Most recently, there has...

Expert Advice
"Going concern" status is always highly desirable to both buyer and seller in a sale of business - because buying or selling anything commercial with no GST sounds great! However it is easy to forget that GST in a sale between two registered entities is a tax neutral outcome, because the purchaser pays 10% GST and gets it back from...

Small to medium sized businesses are finding ways to streamline their business operations by moving away from traditional on-site servers to internet based servers, a process known as 'cloud computing.' Cloud computing refers to the storage of information, applications and other business tools online. The hardware used for this information is stored in a remote location and managed by a...

Expert Advice
Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle is critical to health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, the complexity of adult hood slowly causes exercise to move down our priority list. What if I told you, every time you complete a 30 minute exercise session you gain an extra week of an enhanced life? The national physical guidelines for Australians illustrates regular exercise is the key...