August 2013 Issue 85
Businesses often see their branding misappropriated. However, the range of intellectual property and allied rights which can attach to branding means care must be taken in developing a suitable strategy before taking action. Branding registered as a trade mark If the branding in question has been registered as a trade mark, then the simplest course is to consider trade mark...

August 2013 Issue 85
The Australian Institute of Company Directors has issued a new policy priorities paper calling on the next government of Australia to take action on key issues for directors, including a new approach to regulation and better consultation with business. The paper, Governing for a More Prosperous Australia: Key Issues for Directors in the 2013 Election, calls on the Federal Government...

August 2013 Issue 85
We'll get your business and your people set up, in place and ready for work on time. Total Solutions For You We have expertise in professional relocation management and commercial relocation services. We understand the wider issues, the need for careful planning, detailed project management and clear communication with your staff. Our experienced team takes total responsibility for your relocation,...

August 2013 Issue 85
In previous editions of B2B, elringtons have written about the relatively new Personal Property Security Act ("PPSA"), and its farreaching effects on businesses and commercial interests. Since the PPSA's inception in January 2012, the legal community has been waiting for a court decision to assist in interpreting its operation, especially transitional provisions and migrated security interests. The NSW Supreme Court...

On 16 July the Federal Government announced major changes to the Fringe Benefits Tax ("FBT") legislation in relation to car fringe benefits. The change is estimated to save the Government approximately $1.8 billion in the forward estimates. According to Treasurer Chris Bowen, the Government intends to remove the statutory formula method for both salary sacrificed and employer provided cars. The...

Estate Planning
We are all living longer. However, it is a sad fact that a longer life will see an increase in the inability to make decisions for ourselves. It is not uncommon to unexpectedly find yourself in the situation where someone else has to make important life decisions for you. This can be because of an accident, illness or aged related...

Document Management
Ricoh Australia Pty Ltd have developed a carbon neutral printing service which will offset the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced from the printing for qualified customers. Yes, it's true: Ricoh will offset the GHG emissions from your printer for the term of its finance agreement. Recently Ricoh Australia announced that we have achieved an important milestone: to be a carboNZeroCertTM...

Corporate Governance
As part of our commitment to the NFP Sector and its directors the Australian Institute of Company Directors has developed the Good Governance Principles and Guidelines for Not for Profit Organisations. The Principles are designed to assist boards in determining what constitutes good governance practice for their particular organisation and to achieve better outcomes through good governance. It was recognised...

Business Relocations
Is your business relocating? Allied Pickford's is synonymous with business relocations management and corporate relocation services. We understand the wider issues, the need for careful planning, detailed project management and clear communication with your staff. Our experienced team takes total responsibility for your office or business relocations leaving you to concentrate on the day to day tasks of running your...

Business Law
The Personal Property and Securities Act 2009 (PPSA) came into effect on 30 January 2012 and has changed the way in which security interests in personal property are dealt with in Australia. Now all security interests, including contracts for the supply of goods, commercial equipment leasing agreements, hire purchase or lease finance arrangements and bailment agreements can be registered on...

Some good news coming out of the 2013 Federal Budget is some extra red tape for Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) has been removed providing opportunities for those with tight cash-flows to continue making contributions via off market share transfers. SMSF Share Transfers The Government had previously announced that from 1 July 2013 you would not be able to contribute...

Expert Advice
We understand the Canberra business market and realise that there are thousands of very successful businesses operating from homes and coffee shops in the ACT and across the nation. But there is another cost effective alternative that can provide you with the same flexibility and give you an alternative to holding your meetings at home or in public places -...

Expert Advice
This is a topic that never goes away - it just varies in terms of degrees. Now, more than ever, employers are up against huge competition to retain and motivate their good staff. Losing staff is costly to any organisation; in dollar costs, lost productivity, loss of corporate knowledge and general workplace disruption. Retention strategies are not one off actions...

Expert Advice
Prevention is the best cure and forming a healthy identity... will ensure you spend more time doing things you like doing. We've all been guilty of using the cold as an excuse to sit on the couch. The funny thing is once we've set camp under three or four blankets, an apple while we watch our second movie for the...

Expert Advice
No matter how effective the risk management program within an organisation, things still go wrong. They may be events that we have anticipated or they may be incidents that we have completely come out of the blue (unknown unknowns to quote Donald Rumsfeld). What we need to make sure of when these incidents do happen is that we minimise the...

Expert Advice
Most issues or events that impact on an organisation's objectives occur due to the absence of, or ineffectiveness of controls - so it follows that ensuring the current controls that are in place are effective is fundamental to reducing an organisation's risk exposure. The bottom line - if controls are not being measured it is impossible to determine whether or...