Some properties seem ideal for subdivision, but it's difficult to know until you start digging into the details. Subdividing can be a profitable investment strategy, but it's worth completing a detailed feasibility study of physical, legal and cost factors to avoid unwelcome surprises.1 Before you start planning, check the neighbourhood for precedents that is, recent developments similar to what you...

Failing to plan is a plan for failure' this quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin and Winston Churchill among others is still being spruiked today. Perhaps the reason for its longevity is that the statement rings true for so many aspects of our lives. We plan holidays and weddings, home projects and even grocery shopping. So why would you risk your...

Expert Advice
The approach of financial year-end brings with it salary reviews in many organisations and the launch of our annual Hays Salary Guide on 4 June 2014. The Hays Salary Guide remains the definitive snapshot of salaries and employment market trends across Australia and New Zealand. It's your chance to find out exactly what is happening in each sector as well...

Expert Advice
We are fast running up to the end of the tax year. It is time to review your financial arrangements and consider the steps that you may be able to take to minimise your tax obligations. Please discuss with your financial advisors your income protection position, managing capital any gains and losses, superannuation strategies including additional contributions, and, optimisation of...

Expert Advice
Over the past few months I have introduced you to Google AdWords and explained briefly how it drives relevant traffic to your website, but how do we measure if the ads are actually profitable to your business? The performance of your online advertising is measured by applying a value to the page immediately after a desirable action on your website....

Expert Advice
What defines a trade mark? A trade mark is a commercial indicator serving as a 'badge of origin', something distinguishing goods or services of one provider from those of another. In addition to words, pictures or combinations (e.g. logos), trade marks can consist of sounds, smells, colours and shapes. There are also other types of marks such as series marks...

Expert Advice
One question that commonly arises after the breakdown of a marriage or a de facto relationship is deciding what to do with the "family home". Typically there are two options: the property is sold or the property is retained by one of the parties. The breakdown of a relationship is almost always a time of considerable anxiety and stress. The...

Estate Planning
Let's be honest, superannuation is definitely not the most attention-grabbing topic we can discuss. But here's the thing. Unless you like eating baked beans in your retirement, superannuation is really important. The problem for women is that their careers can be characterized by a pattern of broken periods of employment. There can be gaps in employment because of childcare responsibilities....

Corporate Advisory
In the current market there are many businesses looking to grow through strategic acquisitions. While an acquisition is one of the quickest paths to growth it's not always the surest, and too often, stakeholders do not get the value promised from the deal. When considering an acquisition target, and prior to undertaking the acquisition (no matter how good the transaction...

Corporate Governance
This column has often discussed the benefits of a board and appropriate governance structures to assist organisations achieve their outcomes. Having a board of skilled directors can provide the strategic guidance to help steer organisations in the right direction and ensure that appropriate risk controls are in place. In the for profit environment, the outcomes being sought can be measured...

Business Law
The Government is proposing amendments to the Franchising Code of Conduct (the Code); these are tipped to redress a perceived imbalance of p ower in the franchisor - franchisee relationship. The forecast changes include: * introduction of an obligation on both parties to act in good faith; * substitution of some disclosure obligations with a 'short information sheet'; * an...

Business Advisory
Previously in this magazine I alerted readers to the potential and actual pitfalls of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 ("PPSA"). Since its implementation, on 30 January 2012, the PPSA has changed the business landscape in Australia and with it, the rights and obligations of claimants to goods being dealt with in insolvency matters. In April of this year, the...

Expert Advice
Nearly every small business owner can benefit from using various mobile and web applications to improve productivity, save costs and make life easy for themselves. Try out the following apps to make a difference in your business today. Most of these apps are free to use with limited features, so you can try before you buy. File sharing and storage...

Although many kids won't be concerned about whether they are heading off to a top-performing school next year, their parents might be. According to some experts, being in the catchment area for one of the top 20 government schools in a major city can increase property prices from 5-15%.1,2 Plus, rental demand and yield in the same areas can be...

Cash flow, as they say, is the lifeblood of any business. It doesn't matter whether you're making thousands of cars a year or selling lemonade to neighbours, if you're stuck waiting for payment from customers then you can't pay your suppliers for the next batch of products to sell. Here are 10 tips to help you improve your cash flow:...

Business Law
A statutory demand notice is a formal, attested demand, which if correctly issued and served, gives the debtor company 21 days from the date of service to pay or compromise the debt to the creditor's satisfaction. If the company fails to do so, then it is presumed to be "insolvent". If a debtor company takes issue with the claim in...