Corporate Governance
I referred in my last column to the challenges facing the NFP Sector regarding uncertainty of funding and the ensuing implications. This issue continues to be of great concern for the sector and following on from the briefing held by AICD in late February, here are some more tips for organisations facing this predicament. While many of the tips listed...

Business Law
Traditionally, there have only been two methods by which start-up businesses could raise the funds for their project. Business owners will be familiar with "debt" and "equity" - either take out a loan, or sell a share of your business. In this sphere, the internet is threatening to disturb the status quo. Here it takes the form of "crowdfunding", which...

Expert Advice
The cost of litigation is often the most important non-legal issue parties want to know about when deciding whether to take a matter to Court. Litigation is more expensive and usually takes longer than resolving a matter out of Court. While the majority of matters in the family law jurisdiction resolve by agreement, and most family lawyers work towards achieving...

Distribution Logistics
Mail is tangible, reliable and versatile. Although the general thinking in many circles seems to be that direct mail is an antiquated and expensive form of marketing, there is mounting evidence of an increasing respect for the humble letter, brochure or catalogue received in the home or office letter box. People who use email regularly have become savvy at blocking...

Expert Advice
Certification trade marks are marks that indicate a certain good or service meets a particular standard. The certification mark might indicate features like: * The quality of the goods; * The type of material the goods are made from; * The geographic origin of the goods; * The purpose of a particular good or service. Usually certification trade marks are...

Expert Advice
Superannuation investment has come a long way over the years and traditional managed funds are not the only way to gain an exposure to the market. A cost effective alternative is to use Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs. So what is an ETF? Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are one of the fastest growing investment products in the world, offering investors...

Expert Advice
Would you cut your base salary to potentially earn more in a performance-related bonus? Australians are more risk averse than our New Zealand neighbours when it comes to our salary package, with a new survey by recruiting experts Hays showing that 59 per cent of Aussies would take a base salary cut for the opportunity to potentially earn more through...

Expert Advice
It's hard to believe we are already into March 2015. As the end of financial year approaches, now is the time to get your strategy in order. Property takes time to transact - so allow plenty. 1. Taxation and selling your investment property. Speak with your accountant to understand the taxation implications of buying or selling property. Timing possible implications...

Expert Advice
Recent budget cuts across the Australian Public Service have lead to a significant number of public servants being presented with the opportunity to take a voluntary redundancy. While this is an easy decision for some employees, for many it is not always that simple. Individuals who are in their final years of employment - with a full understanding of their...

Expert Advice
Gone are the days when you could simply rely on advertisement campaigns alone to generate sales. The sales process has become much more complex now and your website plays a critical role in it. In the old times, you would come up with a package deal, run a TV, radio or print ad and generate traffic to the website and...

Expert Advice
Cash flow positive properties often sacrifice capital growth for yield. Identifying quality cash flow positive opportunities from the marketing hype can often be confusing. It is essential to understand the future growth drivers for the property and the reason the yield is sitting well above the market. Understanding these factors will enable you to determine the likely longevity of a...

Expert Advice
Intellectual Property rights (IP) within your business such as trade marks, copyright, patents, designs and confidential information are valuable intangible assets that can generate your business income if effectively commercialised. Knowing and understanding what IP your business has and how it can be licensed, outsourced or otherwise dealt with is an important step in the commercialisation process. Simultaneously, it is...

Expert Advice
How to stand out from the crowd in a competitive job market The ability to sell yourself, develop new skills and provide relevant work experience are just some of the ways you can stand out in today's competitive jobs market. You should also make sure that you prepare adequately for interviews, dress appropriately and listen to the questions asked to...

Expert Advice
The breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship is usually a time of high stress and emotional turmoil. This is particularly so for children of the relationship as the separation can have lasting, if not permanent, consequences. Separation inevitably involves a period of upheaval. For some children this period can last a relatively short period of time (the time...

Distribution Logistics
With accelerating technology and global social media connections, business operators have become increasingly aware that further growth, economic and competitive advantage can be expanded by engaging a 3PL partner to support and enhance Supply Chain solutions. What is 3PL? A third-party logistics (3PL) provider is a specialist who can provide you with professional logistics services for part or all of...

Expert Advice
I trust that you have settled in to a refreshed rhythm of life after a nice Christmas break. I also hope you have written down some exciting goals for this year. If 'growing business online' is one of them, I can help. Here are the 5 easy ways to improve your website this year. 1) Create curiosity and interest Use...