December 2015 Issue 111
Last month we discussed 'why' social media and sport are a winning mix.This month we suggest 'how' to use sport and social media effectively. Three definite 'dos' in any social media campaign are: 1. Creativity 2. A clear message 3. Timing Creativity is important because if your branded content is sufficiently engaging, people will share with their friends. Nirvana is...

December 2015 Issue 111
When I started my career in the strata industry ten or so years ago, I was told in no uncertain terms that part of the job would require me to conduct strata meetings outside of business hours on site at peoples units or townhouses. Since that day, it has been abundantly clear to me that this is a steadfast rule...

December 2015 Issue 111
Alright, don't let that song get stuck in your head. Let's talk about bounce rate this month. Bounce rate is one of the biggest thieves of your online dollars and you may not even know the amount of damage it might be doing to your business. I recently came across a website where the owner is spending thousands of dollars...

'Increased costs of compliance, changing government priorities, high administration costs are just some of the challenges which are being faced by the not-for-profit sector. The fallout has seen an increasing number of voluntary liquidations and mergers over the past several years in these organisations. Many organisations which relied largely on government funding had grants suspended or funds were held pending...

"Christmas and New Years Eve are times for celebration but who will be your entertainment to make your party the most memorable? A band, a comedian, magician or solo performer? Smooth Ops are one of the regions most popular bands with a repertoire of modern covers and golden oldies, guaranteed to have your guests dancing in the isles. Tuchasoul have...

Business Sustainability
Saving money by reducing energy use in your business has never been easier, with free assistance available from the ACT Government's Actsmart Business Energy and Water program. Experienced Actsmart assessors can identify opportunities for savings that could otherwise be missed, including large savings with short payback times. A visit by an Actsmart staff member to your business makes the process...

Business Law
Evergreen contracts; often called automatic renewal clauses,they operate to automatically extend existing contracts for additional time,with silence or inaction deemed to be consent. Often appearing in the service industry, what once seemed a convenience can turn into a hidden liability for small businesses when they look to negotiate a new contract or terminate their existing agreement. So how do they...

A lot of business owners when asked what they think of superannuation will remark 'my business is my super fund'. However what happens when their business is sold? When a business is sold, generally there will be a substantial lump sum that the vendor may need advice on. If the intent is to retire, you are over 55 and certain...

Here are a few tips to get all bookkeeping tasks lined up for the year-end festive season: 1. Payroll: Payroll mistakes are most common during holiday seasons as some business owners are left to process payroll manually when their bookkeepers or accountants have gone away. To avoid payroll mistakes: * Get your staff to apply for leave in advance, so...

Corporate Governance
"Over the years I have written many columns for B2B on how good corporate governance can greatly improve an organisation's performance. So often, however, this is viewed as being for the big end of town, however, a recent article, on the AICD's Business Owner portal, was a timely reminder of how governance can assist businesses of all types and sizes....

Business Law
In the everyday hustle and bustle of business, you could be forgiven for assuming that whatever sale you're negotiating or venture you're collaborating on, the deal isn't done until the contract is signed - wrong. The recent case of Yulema Pty Ltd & Anor v Simmons & Anor NSWSC 640 is a timely reminder that a verbal agreement can...

Business Advisory
The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (PPSA) is now an entrenched part of the Australian business landscape. However, an increasing interest is being taken (particularly by insolvency practitioners), in the interaction of that statute with provisions contained in commercial leases. Prior to the implementation of the PPSA, the common practice amongst lessors of commercial premises who provided chattels (whether or...

Following my article on the micromanagement of finances last month, I will provide more evidence on how micromanagement leads to better return on investment (ROI) for businesses. I once had a client who provides electrical services, so he and his staff were always on the road and rarely in the office. When I took over to manage his business' finances,...

Business Sustainability
Whether you work in a restaurant, office, or retail shop, there are many ways you can recycle your waste rather than sending it to landfill. Setting up effective recycling systems helps businesses save significantly on their waste bills while helping the environment and meeting corporate responsibilities. The Actsmart Business program provides free assistance and tailored advice to help you set...

Corporate Governance
How many times have you seen meetings of committees, boards or internal work groups fail because they fall into line with others rather than really exploring the opportunities that could exist. Groupthink often occurs because the individuals value unaminity and cohesiveness more than the potential group disharmony from fully exploring a wider range of options. There have been many articles...

For your next function, why not consider one of our hilarious comedy acts. We represent Australia's most renowned comedians to suit any budget, guaranteed to have your guests rolling with laughter. Here are a few examples of some of our finest: Paul Martell - One of Australia's most successful corporate comedians and MC's for over 25 years. Voted COMEDIAN OF...