December 2015 Issue 111

December 2015 Issue 111
'We often meet with clients who are surprised to learn that their registered trade mark provides no protection in other countries. Like other forms of IP, trade marks are registered on a per country basis. If wishing to extend protection of your Australian trade mark rights to other countries, do you need to engage lawyers or trade mark attorneys in...

'I started my business in 2009 with little to no capital, and have since gone through a number of roller coaster rides along my entrepreneurial journey. Six years may not be a substantial amount of time for start-up veterans, but it is enough to understand the nature of entrepreneurship. All in all, there have been a fair share of lows...

December 2015 Issue 111
The Christmas season is fast approaching, so before you take a well earned break to recharge your batteries, make sure you are informed about the recruitment market you will return to in early 2016. Our latest Hays Global Skills Index has been published, highlighting employers' challenge to keep pace with demand for highly-skilled talent.The report, published in collaboration with Oxford...

Business Law
'The key benefit of a company structure is the separate legal personality that the company has from its controllers (directors) and its owners (shareholders) and the protection given to those individuals if the worst occurs and the business goes bust; but if you think that a director therefore has no liability, you are mistaken. We often hear about instances of...

December 2015 Issue 111
'You might remember 'Failure to Launch' as a bad romantic comedy film. If you haven't seen the film, all you need to know is it that it is about a thirty-something guy who lives with his parents and relies financially on them. Regardless of the quality of the film, the subject matter is not too remote from the reality of...

December 2015 Issue 111
Here are just a few of the Speakers and performers facilitated by Peter Funnell for clients as far away as Barcelona. Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller - Director General of MI5, the British internal Security Service, from October 2002 until her retirement on 20 April 2007. Raffaello D'Andrea - Raffaello D'Andrea is a professor and inventor who explores the capabilities of autonomous...

Business Sustainability
'The ACT Government's renewable energy initiatives are delivering renewable energy to Canberra households at record low prices and creating new commercial opportunities for Territory businesses. As a strong supporter of renewable energy, the ACT Government is committed to positioning Canberra as an export-oriented hub for renewable energy innovation and investment. Through our solar and wind energy auctions, the Territory is...

ACT Chamber
Large infrastructure projects - be they new housing developments, major roads, construction of essential facilities such as hospitals and schools, or indeed light rail - tend to be greeted with mixed sentiments from the community. However, the one indisputable fact is that these projects provide opportunities for local businesses, local employment and growth. One of the most significant infrastructure projects...

December 2015 Issue 111
Last month we discussed 'why' social media and sport are a winning mix.This month we suggest 'how' to use sport and social media effectively. Three definite 'dos' in any social media campaign are: 1. Creativity 2. A clear message 3. Timing Creativity is important because if your branded content is sufficiently engaging, people will share with their friends. Nirvana is...

December 2015 Issue 111
When I started my career in the strata industry ten or so years ago, I was told in no uncertain terms that part of the job would require me to conduct strata meetings outside of business hours on site at peoples units or townhouses. Since that day, it has been abundantly clear to me that this is a steadfast rule...

December 2015 Issue 111
Alright, don't let that song get stuck in your head. Let's talk about bounce rate this month. Bounce rate is one of the biggest thieves of your online dollars and you may not even know the amount of damage it might be doing to your business. I recently came across a website where the owner is spending thousands of dollars...

December 2015 Issue 111
A From December 2015, Canberrans have greater choice about how they are buried or where their ashes are placed. A Natural Burial Site has opened at Gungahlin Cemetery and new rules have been introduced to facilitate green burials. Attitudes towards funeral and burial arrangements are increasingly diverse within our community. A person's views regarding the disposal of their body may...