Cover Story

Cover Story
5 Step Waste Reduction Process Profit is the lifeblood of any organisation. Without profit and cashflow you won't be able to guarantee your long term survival. Profit generates the capital that you need to grow your business. Without it you cannot reinvest for the future. Waste removal in any organisation is the easiest opportunity to increase profits. Studies have found...

April 2013 Issue 81
David Rae has been advising clients on their insurance and investment needs for the last 14 years but lately his focus hasstarted to change. His starting point with clients is to understand what is important to them. Goal Setting and What is Important to You? "I've been spending more time recently talking with clients not just about their goals but...

April 2013 Issue 81
Beames and Associates, one of Canberra's most reputable and well regarded mid-size accountingfi rms has recently admitted its 5th partner making it truly open for business and ready to service new clients. "It was with great pleasure that we admitted one of our longestserving employees Andrew Nesbitt into our partnership ranks in July2012," says founding partner Peter Beames. "Andrew started...

Cover Story
You probably love your business, but does it: 1. Give you a good income based on the effort and equity you have invested? 2. Give you the lifestyle and relaxing holidays you expect? 3. Give you the time you want to spend with family and friends? 4. Run itself if you are away? 5. Have a team who enjoy working...

Cover Story
KEY Real Estate ACT Pty Limited's founding principle is unbeatable: Knowledge + Excellence = Yield (a great result for our clients) Our service offering starts at the top. Our hands-on directors Gay Spooner and Gabriele Hume have a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of Real Estate. With a combined experience of 28 years in the ACT and NSW market,...

Cover Story
The scary reality is that 86.6% of Australians will retire on $16,000 p/a or less. Is that going to be enough to maintain your current lifestyle? It is estimated that you will need approx $800,000 Super to allow you to survive for the average life expectancy of 22 years after retiring at 65. How is your super account looking? What...

Cover Story
Every organisation, no matter what its size, must be able to deliver both precise and rapid services to meet today's high customer expectations. Over the past decade telephony has transformed from fixed line phone calls to the cost effective use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for calls (VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol); through Unified Communications' applications that deliver the...

Cover Story
Netmium started as ACT Essential Business Services in 1997 following the birth of Vlado Mamic and his wife's daughter. Essentially the business was formed to take into consideration the pressures of parenting and the need Vlado had found with small to medium businesses requiring a 'boutique' service. "It became abundantly clear when we first kicked off the business that small...

Cover Story
Paul Lomas, Regional Director of BNI Canberra, works closely with all BNI members, helping them to utilise the proven BNI system to build strong long term professional relationships which, given time to develop, can turn into very profitable relationships. Paul says, "Word of mouth marketing is about farming not hunting. It is not about one off meetings. It is about...

Cover Story
B2B magazine's philosophy is to work with businesses to promote them and celebrate their successes. B2B magazine is the regions only business publication. Not many people know that B2B is distributed to every business in the Canberra region each month through Australia Post. In addition to this B2B is sold through over 150 newsagents in the region and is also...

Cover Story
Why are you in business? What is your contribution to the world? And what's in it for you? For your employees? Tony Robbins talks about the six human needs, being significance, certainty, variety, love and connection, growth and contribution. Most businesses and individuals are driven by the first two, feeling significant and having certainty. This is what drives us to...

Cover Story
Delta Air Conditioning and Heating has been located in the Canberra region for 40 years and is a successfully operated family business run by David and Christine Oxford. Their son Paul, a fully qualified air conditioning and refrigeration mechanic who also helps in the day to day running of the business, looking after sales and service enquiries, is in his...

Cover Story
It has become increasingly common to have multiple or at least more than one income stream. You might be working for a company and running a small business at the same time; you may be a freelancer with a number of clients to service or working for a single employer whilst building a property portfolio as part of your wealth...

Cover Story
Jonathon was appointed as a Principal of RSM Bird Cameron on 1 July 2012. Jonathon is a Chartered Accountant, a Registered Liquidator and an Official Liquidator and has over 10 years' experience providing specialist insolvency and turnaround advice in the Canberra region, to corporations, individuals, creditors and Government Departments. Jonathon's professional ambition is to find solutions to problems in times...

Cover Story
Rhys is proud to be a born and bred Canberran. He has worked with RSM Bird Cameron for over 12 years as an accountant in their Business Solutions Team and has seen huge changes during his working career, working through the introduction of GST at the start of his career and more recently an explosion in prices in the Canberra...

Cover Story
A form is a document that is used to gather information. They are a tool within an organisation to provide a guide or a structure to a process or an assessment for a claim or required action. To ensure everyone who applies for a server or benefit is treated the same way, the form provides the questions that are required...