Corporate Governance

August 2015 Issue 107
While this column has regularly promoted the need for better governance, and well governed organisations are seen in a positive light, the direct correlation between governance and performance has been challenging. The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) website recently published an article regarding some research into this topic. In late 2014, the Australian Institute of Company Directors commissioned Dr...

Corporate Governance
In 2014, the AICD published its Not For Profit (NFP) Governance Study and also held a series of roundtables which investigated the financial sustainability challenges of the NFP Sector. In this diverse NFP sector, factors affecting sustainability vary according to the function and funding base of each organisation. Those focused on service delivery, for example, are increasingly likely to have...

Corporate Governance
Directors have indicated their overwhelming support for the need for broad tax reform, and expressed concern that public policy debate in Australia is "poor quality", according to a new survey. The bi-annual Director Sentiment Index compiled by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) found that GST reform was the top priority for any comprehensive review of the taxation system...

Corporate Governance
In early April, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) released a statement calling on all boards to ensure that at least 30% of directors are female, and urged all listed companies to achieve this target by 2018. In launching this target, AICD's Managing Director and CEO, John Brogden, said the new objective is a significant extension of previous diversity...

Corporate Governance
I referred in my last column to the challenges facing the NFP Sector regarding uncertainty of funding and the ensuing implications. This issue continues to be of great concern for the sector and following on from the briefing held by AICD in late February, here are some more tips for organisations facing this predicament. While many of the tips listed...

Corporate Governance
The not-for-profit (NFP) Governance and Performance study released in late 2014 shows that financial sustainability is still a concern for many organisations. Additionally, with the announcement of funding cuts prior to Christmas, the challenge continues into the new year for many NFP organisations. At the release of the study, Vanessa Nolan-Woods, General Manager for the NFP sector at Commonwealth Bank...

Corporate Governance
In early November The Australian Institute of Company Directors' released its Director Sentiment Index (DSI) which is the only indicator measuring the opinions and future intentions of directors. The key findings were that directors were very pessimistic on a range of issues and their overall sentiment was back to a level in 2013 when the then Labor Government was in...

Corporate Governance
The Australian Institute of Company Directors recently released its NFP Governance and Performance Study, the largest study of its kind in Australia. With close to 3,000 respondents plus a range of focus groups held across Australia, this study was a unique opportunity to delve into the thinking of directors and executives of the NFP sector. A range of themes emerged...

Corporate Governance
The recent article regarding the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Abbott, holding annual performance reviews with his ministers prompted me to think about how commonplace formalised evaluations have become across our society. While once it was the preserve of CEOs to undergo performance reviews, it's now commonplace for junior staff right through to the CEO and increasingly the board to complete...

Corporate Governance
Regular readers of this column would be aware that the Australian Institute of Company Directors' role is to improve the quality of governance for the betterment of the economy and society. While much of our focus is seen as being at the 'top end of town', we are just as involved in assisting small family businesses or not-for-profit organisations and...

August 2014 Issue 96
I recently attended the Entrepeneur of the Year awards hosted by EY and was reminded of the incredible success stories continually occurring in the Canberra business community. While our daily papers are filled with tales of woe on the state of the economy and the budgetary impact on the ACT over the next few years, these businesses are continuing to...

Corporate Governance
This column has often discussed the benefits of a board and appropriate governance structures to assist organisations achieve their outcomes. Having a board of skilled directors can provide the strategic guidance to help steer organisations in the right direction and ensure that appropriate risk controls are in place. In the for profit environment, the outcomes being sought can be measured...

Corporate Governance
This column has often discussed the benefits of a board and appropriate governance structures to assist organisations achieve their outcomes. Having a board of skilled directors can provide the strategic guidance to help steer organisations in the right direction and ensure that appropriate risk controls are in place. In the for profit environment, the outcomes being sought can be measured...