August 2013 Issue 85

August 2013 Issue 85
The Canberra Business Event Centre (CBEC) has been at Regatta Point since the year 2000 - so it comes as a shock to CBEC manager, Robert Jeston, when people tell him they didn't know it existed. In the last 12 years CBEC has run more than 2,500 events, catering for more than 60,000 people. CBEC has a modern boardroom with...

August 2013 Issue 85
One of the nation's top three credit unions, Community CPS Australia has become a 100 per cent customer owned bank under a bold new naming strategy designed to offer consumers a real alternative in the financial services sector. From 1 August, the Community CPS Australia Group and its five allied brands will trade as Beyond Bank Australia, a values-based, 100...

August 2013 Issue 85
The Hellenic Club in Woden has found more time to play, and more ways for you to play! A $500,000 renovation of their Sports Bar has made this venue the talk of the town. With OPC's strategic IT planning and a fully outsourced IT Managed Service taking care of their IT, the Club has has enjoyed more time to complete...

August 2013 Issue 85
Technology has transformed business and industry more in the last 20 years than the previous 200. In existence for around 25 years, the internet has been responsible for the greatest amount of disruption - and opportunity seen since the industrial revolution. When the way we communicate, interact, organise, and shop changes fundamentally, the way we do business or run our...

August 2013 Issue 85
Handmade Canberra was recently crowned Canberra's best start-up at the 2013 Telstra ACT Business Awards. Julie Nichols founded Handmade Canberra in 2008. After realising the massive untapped potential for a specialised Canberra-focused event, the Handmade Market was born. "With our first 35 designers the Handmade Markets quickly became a local Canberra and regional phenomenon attracting handmade enthusiasts from around the...

August 2013 Issue 85
In 2000, while the rest of the country was celebrating the new millennium and preparing for the Sydney Olympics, I made one of the biggest decisions of my life, to leave my career in the public service and set up my own consultancy business - just six months shy of long service leave. And despite the challenges, risks and sleepless...

August 2013 Issue 85
You have been looking for 6 to 12 months now and you have found the business you want to take the next step and make an offer on. However, before you can make an offer you need to ensure you can borrow the funds to acquire the business. This is when time cannot move quick enough for you, as in...

August 2013 Issue 85
You have been looking for 6 to 12 months now and you have found the business you want to take the next step and make an offer on. However, before you can make an offer you need to ensure you can borrow the funds to acquire the business. This is when time cannot move quick enough for you, as in...

August 2013 Issue 85
To make it easier to do business in the Territory the ACT Government is now giving local firms a leg up when tendering for government contracts. Last month a new criterion was introduced for the evaluation of all goods and services tenders for ACT Government work, which supports small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the capital region. The criterion puts...