Associations To Business

ACT Chamber
As we swing into Autumn, so do our deliberations for the Federal Budget. The government's main economic document won't be announced until 13 May, but right now the Treasurer and his colleagues on the Expenditure Review Committee are deep in consultation deciding spending and policy priorities across all government portfolios. Make no mistake - this document will play a very...

ACT Exporters
The New Year is a time of renewal and new beginning I recently joined the Canberra Business Council as the Export Development Manager/ACT Exporters Network Manager. Prior to joining the Council, I worked as a Business Development Manager at Austrade Jakarta for 12 years. During my time with Austrade, I assisted many Australian companies grow their export business in various...

Associations To Business
Canberra Business Council partnered with representatives of Canberra's major industry groups involved in the property and construction industry (MBA, Property Council Aust ACT, Consult Australia and the Planning Institute of Australia ACT) to present a joint industry submission titled 'Call to Action' to the ACT Government. Beyond both the Commonwealth and ACT Governments, the property, building and construction sector is...

ACT Exporters
All the signs are that this year will be a huge year for ACT exporters. The Abbott Federal Government's honeymoon is well and truly over. Now it is down to serious business and there are a number of issues that the Exporters' Network and Canberra Business Council will be bringing to the attention of the 'new' Minister for Trade and...

Associations To Business
There is little doubt that this year will be a challenging one for Canberra and for businesses in Canberra and the region. The 2013 14 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), released on 17 December 2013, disclosed in detail how the Federal budget position had deteriorated since the May 2013 Budget - the total underlying cash deterioration over the...

ACT Chamber
In our recent submission to the ACT Government Budget Consultation process the Chamber took the chance to highlight that there are about 26,000 small businesses spread throughout Canberra and surrounding region contributing to the wellbeing of the ACT economy. Nationally, there are about two million small businesses providing seven million jobs, and contributing to half of the Australian economy. Sadly,...

ACT Exporters
Not withstanding the recent deterioration in the relationship between Australia and Indonesia, over allegations of spying, building and maintaining an strong Indonesia-Australia relationship is critical for Australia in the 21st Century. Within two weeks of being sworn in as prime minister, Tony Abbott was in Jakarta. Why? - because of the importance of the relationship between Australia and Indonesia -...

ACT Chamber
Employers should be aware that a number of amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 will take effect from January 2014. First among these is a requirement for Modern Awards to contain greater obligations for employers to consult with workers about changes to rostered hours of duty. The new clause in Modern Awards will require employers to provide information to...

ACT Exporters
The Federal Election is over and the new Minister for Trade and Investment is the Hon Andrew Robb AO, MP. Canberra Business Council and the ACT Exporters' Network look forward to a long and productive relationship with the Minister in developing export trade by businesses based in the National Capital. There are a number of issues which the Exporters' Network...

Associations To Business
Recently Canberra was privileged to have Larry Oltmann visit for a two-day workshop on the proposed Australia Forum convention centre. The Australia Forum workshop in light of the Australia Forum Scoping Study (2010) and the City to the Lake Project objectives, within the context of the City Plan. It was exciting to participate in the workshop, which considered potential sites...

ACT Chamber
The ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry supports all business in the ACT and surrounding region, and is unique as our membership base is extremely diverse. Our members range in size from non-employers to national organisations and cover all industries. Canberra is a fantastic community, and we offer our members a strong business community here at the Chamber....

ACT Chamber
A partnership between the National Australia Bank, the Foundation for Young Australians and The Smith Family is making it easier for businesses to engage the next generation of young people by inspiring them to pursue careers that are rewarding and offer long term sustainability. Work Inspiration is a model for reinvigorating work experience that puts control into the hands of...

ACT Exporters
The Federal Election is over and the new Minister for Trade and Investment is the Hon Andrew Robb AO, MP. Canberra Business Council and the ACT Exporters' Network look forward to a long and productive relationship with the Minister in developing export trade by businesses based in the National Capital. There are a number of issues which the Exporters' Network...

Associations To Business
Recently Canberra was privileged to have Larry Oltmann visit for a two-day workshop on the proposed Australia Forum convention centre. The Australia Forum workshop in light of the Australia Forum Scoping Study (2010) and the City to the Lake Project objectives, within the context of the City Plan. It was exciting to participate in the workshop, which considered potential sites...

Associations To Business
As I write this article we are heading off to polls for the Federal Election on 7 September 2013. By the time you read this article the election may well be decided. Regardless of who comes into power, it is critical that the incoming government has received a clear list of priorities for the ACT and region. Canberra Business Council...

ACT Exporters
Exporting requires a strong risk profile, a great deal of energy and enthusiasm, and a damn good plan. To facilitate developing the capacity of exporters a partnership has been formed between the ACT business community and the ANU College of Business and Economics to promote work integrated learning for ANU undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students, and to assist ACT businesses...