April 2013 Issue 81

April 2013 Issue 81
One of Australia's largest credit unions, Community CPS Australia, has outperformed expectations to post a $13.1million after tax profit for the first half of 2012/13. In the six months to 31 December 2012, deposits rose 2.8 per cent, new lending was up 4.6 per cent and total assets under management grew by 3.1 per cent to $3.7 billion. The ACT...

April 2013 Issue 81
As the digital revolution marches inexorably to a tune most of us can't keep up with, the latest exponential growth occurs with the uptake of mobile, smart technology. The increased use of tablets/smart phones has led to an explosion in the development of Applications, serving the consumers who demand them. Business is no different. According to David K. Williams, who...

ACT Chamber
The ACT & Region Chamber of Commerceand Industry has been serving the businesscommunity in the ACT for almost 80years. As the 'Voice of Business' in the ACT,the Chamber represents the business perspective and advocates for local and regional businesses on current and emerging issues affecting them. TheChamber provides members with a range of services to help them meet the challenges...

ACT Exporters
How do you know that you're readyto export? It all starts with makingsure your business is export-ready andthinking about the best way of taking your product or service to market. Companies starting to export are more likely to succeed if they have a well thought out and planned export strategy. Prospective exporters need to have a strong understanding of their...

April 2013 Issue 81
The ACT Government recently launched its'City to the Lake' initiative at the National Museum of Australia. This project which will connect the city to Lake Burley Griffin joins other recent ACT city planning developments such as the City Plan and Canberra Metro - a new Light Rail Transport network. Canberra Business Council is very supportive of the City to the...

April 2013 Issue 81
The issue of property settlement between married and de facto parties is complex and technical. A recent High Court decision just made this more the case. If you are 40 something and one of your parents (or both) have re-partnered and you are wondering about the effect this may have on your inheritance, then read on. If you think a...

April 2013 Issue 81
Canberra is a world leader in public sector administration. It's the centre of Australian public policy - providing leadership in the development of innovative public sector solutions and services. Our private sector has grown to meet the needs of the public sector, and in so doing, has developed world class capabilities around corporate governance, public policy, security, public service delivery,...

April 2013 Issue 81
Proud Property Management redefines levels of service and value formoney. Ian Barrass founder of Proudsaid "We give concierge service at alower price. Our business model takes outsome of the biggest costs for an agency suchas commercial rent and high franchise fees.You get the benefit of our savings: we give apremium service at a lower price! "Ian Barrass comes from a...

April 2013 Issue 81
Any business buyer who is looking at buying a business needsto understand what the owner currently does in the business.The business buyer wants to know the hours they work and what functions they perform. An easy example is a chef in a restaurant. If the chef is the ownerof the restaurant, the business buyer needs to understand whatdays they work,...

April 2013 Issue 81
Bendigo Community Bank will putback 80% or more of it's profits intocommunity services, groups, charitiesand events - profits derived directlyfrom the level of funds in bank accountswith the Community Bank. So why doesn'tGovernment, and every government agency,invest some of their funds on term depositwith Canberra's Community Bank Branches of Bendigo Bank? Understandably there is a tender processto do the government's...

April 2013 Issue 81
We have seen major disasters over the past few years both in and outside of Australia that have caused significant disruption to businesses of all sizes. The Queensland floods, the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami are two that spring to mind. It needn't to be a major disaster, however, to render your business unable to operate in a 'business as usual'...

April 2013 Issue 81
One of the key questions your Recruitment partner should ask you is"How do you define your culture in order to attract the best talent"? With over 14 years of Executive recruitment in the Canberra marketI consistently hear the same old adage; "We offer a flexible and familyfriendly workplace with a good Worklife Balance". This should thenprompt a response; "How do...

April 2013 Issue 81
What's the reason we go to work? What's the reason we eat? What'sthe reason we exercise? Firstly, we go to work because in this urbanised society a secure jobthat provides for our basic needs presents us and those around us agreater chance live a full and enriched life. Secondly, eating is a necessity of life. We eat to satisfy our...