Issue 114 April 2016

Once again, the Canberra Branch of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) is holding an annual conference to bring its members and other IT professionals up to date with major issues and innovations in the IT industry. Conference chair and Canberra Branch Chair, Dr Tim Turner, FACS, said "The conference theme of Drones, Droids and Robots is drawn from National Science...

There is no denying how wonderful it is to fall in love again and to be making life plans with your new partner. It really is difficult to imagine storm clouds gathering on your horizon at some stage in the future. However, it is at this time that it is best to have those difficult conversations with your new partner...

Scarlett Financial is an innovative financial services group created to help people make smart investment decisions earlier so they can experience financial security and more lifestyle choices throughout their lives. It is pretty unique in that it provides the integrated services of Wealth Management, Property Investment, Mortgage Broking and Insurance within the one firm. With each service having specialised consultants...

There are no doubts that the highest performing organisations have an even higher performing Board. One of the toughest challenges facing many organisations, particularly those in the non-profit (or 'for purpose') sector, is how to move from an elected representative Board of Directors to an appointed skills-based Board. The process of Board selection is becoming increasingly professional as many organisations...

The purpose of an audit is to confirm the validity of financial statements and help determine the value of an organisation. The auditor's role is to express an objective opinion on whether the organisation's management has fairly presented the information in financial statements. Investors, partners, and customers will make decisions based on the auditor's review, so it's critical that the...

Indulge your senses with music, art, wine and food at the 2016 Canberra International Music Festival (28 April - 8 May). Over the course of eleven exhilarating days, musicians from around the world will gather in Canberra to create a feast for the eyes and ears, bringing music and food together in perfect harmony in a series of culinary adventures....

Expert Advice
Digital Marketing is an over-used yet under-explored phrase now a days. Many claim to know it but only a few seem to get it. If you are an offline or 'bricks & mortar' business and looking to generate more leads and sales using online marketing, this article will cover the basics for you. These are the 5 digital tools every...

Issue 114 April 2016
Game of Thrones has a lot to answer for. I'm sure that it has certainly spiced up a lot of sex lives and given some of us sore necks as we peer, head tilted, wide eyed and open mouthed at the screen. But what is it that is at the chore of the success of this fabulous show? I believe...

ACT Chamber
Liveable, international, connected, agile and resilient - this is the vision for Canberra in 2030 that will underpin Canberra Business Chamber advocacy during the Federal and ACT election campaigns and into the future. ACT businesses have been asked to identify the activities they believe are most essential to creating a region with a diversified, modern economy driven by a confident...

G2B: Chief Minister’s Message
Retail trade turnover in the ACT,which measures how much money Canberrans are spending at our local shops, increased by 8.5% through the year to January 2016 - a significant increase that was more than double the national retail trade turnover. This comes after news that State Final Demand (SFD) in the ACT grew by a very strong 3.1 per cent...