Issue 114 April 2016

Business Law
It's a common scenario: you're owed money and your debtor is refusing to pay. Surely the next step is to protect your debt by lodging a caveat over the land they're sitting on, right? Wrong. The mere existence of a debt is no basis for lodging a caveat. If you lodge a caveat without reasonable cause, then you could end...

Business Sustainability
Saving money and keeping costs under control - it's what smart businesses do. If you operate from a separate business premises (not home), and have fewer than 10 full-time equivalent staff or electricity bills under $20,000 (incl. GST), you could be eligible for Actsmart's Business Energy and Water program. Actsmart will conduct a FREE energy and water assessment of your...

Family Law
This is a common question faced by many people who separate. Litigation can be expensive and it is not uncommon for one person to control most of the parties' wealth in a relationship. In this situation, the person who does not have control of the parties' wealth or who earns a much lower income than the other party, is at...

Expert Advice
It is common for people or companies in the ICT industry to "team" up for various reasons. There are a wide range of examples such as: a. a software / app developer subcontracting some development of code; b. an incorporated or an unincorporated joint venture being formed for an ICT project; c. software / hardware or other ICT products being...

Expert Advice
Firstly let me state very clearly that I am not a part of any political party. I was in real estate last time Paul Keating stopped negative gearing in the late 80's and that was such a disaster it was cancelled in less than 12 months. It ended because investors stopped buying residential property and rents went up alarmingly as...

Expert Advice
Last month many people and organisations here in Canberra celebrated International Women's Day (IWD). While we have a lot to celebrate every IWD, many people would argue that progress towards workplace gender equality can still be hindered today by people, more often than not men, who fail to see any problem. Here at Hays we surveyed 603 Australians and found...

Expert Advice
Last time we discussed why it can make sense for some companies to spend huge sums of money for a single airing of an ad during the United States Super Bowl. This time we look at how an Australian company uses a different approach to achieve the same goal of positively positioning itself with consumers for long term benefit. ActewAGL...

Expert Advice
A number of years ago, while completing my Diploma of Property Services, the class that I was attending had a brilliant mantra on the whiteboard which has always stuck with me. The saying was written in the form of a question and answer as follows; Question: What if we train our staff and they leave? Answer: What if we don't,...

In the March edition I outlined 3 time management tips. Based on the feedback I have outlined a couple of extra bonus tips to assist business owners better manage their time. Kristin Miller, General Manager, Smart Business Guardian. ❶ Turn off notifications and alerts during business hours. There is absolutely no way you can focus and get anything done properly...

Outward Bound is an experiential learning opportunity utilising the outdoors as a classroom to help people realise that they have greater capabilities, skill sets, strengths and potential than they know. Our programs are an educational process. We provide our participants with the chance to experience adversity by throwing them challenges with other people who they may or may not know,...

Let's cover off what you do when you're considering that next 'great' role. Often we hear "I want to make a career change". Funnily enough, this happens when it's a candidate rich market and employers are spoilt for choice. And too often we hear "I'm happy to take a pay cut".Some people will discuss a significant drop, tending to happen...

Recruitment firm, Hays Canberra, recently raised $13,000 from their annual golf day for their charity partner, the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Make-A-Wish Australia was founded in 1985, and has granted over 8,000 wishes to children with life threatening illnesses. Make-A-Wish gives seriously ill children hope for the future, strength to face the challenges of their illness, and joy from their incredible wish...

It would be easy to answer this question by saying increasing their wealth exponentially and securing their financial future. But with more than 14 years' industry experience advising clients on property investment, Managing Director of Hatch Property Australia, Julie Cumming knows that key factors such as fear and mistrust often prevent a property investor from achieving their goals. "By examining...