ACT Exporters

ACT Exporters
The recent announcement of the Federal Budget brought some relief to the exporting community. Under the 2014-2015 budget, the Government will provide $200 million of additional capital to the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC). This equity injection reverses the decision of the previous Government to take a oneoff special dividend from EFIC in 2012-2013 and will allow EFIC to...

ACT Exporters
Poland offers an attractive blue sky opportunity for ACT businesses to diversify and leverage because of its geographic location and strategic position within the European Union (EU), an economic zone that generates approximately one quarter of the world's GDP. Poland is the sixth largest economy of the EU. Since joining NATO in 1999 and the EU in 2004, Poland is...

ACT Exporters
The Export Council of Australia (ECA) with the support of Austrade and Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) recently published the results of Australia's International Business Survey (AIBS) 2014. An interesting part of the report is the survey outcome on barriers to exports and international business. In the survey, respondents were asked to identify the most significant challenges of doing...

ACT Exporters
Singapore is a major trading hub and plays an important role for companies willing to expand to the South-East Asian region. Singapore is particularly strong in the manufacturing, wholesale/retail trade and services sector. The country is host to multinational companies from various industries and geographies. In the ICT sector, Singapore is host to more than 80 of the world's top...

ACT Exporters
The New Year is a time of renewal and new beginning I recently joined the Canberra Business Council as the Export Development Manager/ACT Exporters Network Manager. Prior to joining the Council, I worked as a Business Development Manager at Austrade Jakarta for 12 years. During my time with Austrade, I assisted many Australian companies grow their export business in various...

ACT Exporters
All the signs are that this year will be a huge year for ACT exporters. The Abbott Federal Government's honeymoon is well and truly over. Now it is down to serious business and there are a number of issues that the Exporters' Network and Canberra Business Council will be bringing to the attention of the 'new' Minister for Trade and...

ACT Exporters
Not withstanding the recent deterioration in the relationship between Australia and Indonesia, over allegations of spying, building and maintaining an strong Indonesia-Australia relationship is critical for Australia in the 21st Century. Within two weeks of being sworn in as prime minister, Tony Abbott was in Jakarta. Why? - because of the importance of the relationship between Australia and Indonesia -...

ACT Exporters
The Federal Election is over and the new Minister for Trade and Investment is the Hon Andrew Robb AO, MP. Canberra Business Council and the ACT Exporters' Network look forward to a long and productive relationship with the Minister in developing export trade by businesses based in the National Capital. There are a number of issues which the Exporters' Network...

ACT Exporters
The Federal Election is over and the new Minister for Trade and Investment is the Hon Andrew Robb AO, MP. Canberra Business Council and the ACT Exporters' Network look forward to a long and productive relationship with the Minister in developing export trade by businesses based in the National Capital. There are a number of issues which the Exporters' Network...

ACT Exporters
Exporting requires a strong risk profile, a great deal of energy and enthusiasm, and a damn good plan. To facilitate developing the capacity of exporters a partnership has been formed between the ACT business community and the ANU College of Business and Economics to promote work integrated learning for ANU undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students, and to assist ACT businesses...

ACT Exporters
Seeing Machines Limited, the ACT's company that took out the ACT Chief Ministers Export Awards Small to Medium Services category last year, has gone from strength to strength since winning the award. Seeing Machines Limited was a technology company birthed in Canberra and spun out of ANU. Seeing Machines is an award winning technology company with a focus on vision...

ACT Exporters
ACT companies that export are very important to our local economy. Dollars coming from overseas and invested back into our local economy will be increasingly important to balance the ACT's reliance on the public sector. The ACT government has a program called Global Connect which has a number of international programs established to support the continuing diversification and internationalisation of...

ACT Exporters
Recently 16 ACT companies and education providers returned from a Trade Mission to Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia is geographically close to Australia and provides a wealth of opportunities. Importantly there is a large and growing consumer middle class. In the Asia Pacific the middle class is currently 525M people, and this is forecast to grow to 3228M by the year 2030....