Celebrating Canberra’s centenary in 2013 has helped Canberrans focus on what is special about our city. As a government and as a community, we must build on that feeling and create that future together.
Cities do not succeed by accident or by leaving things to chance; they require good design, good governance and great collaboration. Cities must internally collaborate to compete in the modern era and, together, we can ensure that Canberra wins the global contest for investment and for talent. In that contest, we have key advantages.
Today, we are one of the world’s most liveable cities, a top 10 destination for inward investment and a magnet for high-achieving students. There is high demand for housing and our low unemployment rate attracts business to our city.
Canberra’s reputation for openness, inclusiveness, sustainability and climate action is known around the world. I want to add to that reputation a deep commitment to a sustainable model of urban development.
Standing still is simply not an option for Canberra. We need more than a business as-usual approach to achieve our potential and deliver the successful, equitable and sustainable city that Canberrans seek.
To achieve this, my Government will seek to replace the Land Development Agency with two specialist dedicated entities from 1 July 2017, with both focussing on high quality, sustainable developments.
One agency will focus on leading and facilitating the critical transformation of Civic and Northbourne Avenue. We want the very best of approaches for this area with a peoplefocus, design-led development. The agency will have similar authority to those overseeing developments at Barangaroo in Sydney, South Bank in Brisbane or Elizabeth Quay in Perth.
The other agency will focus on suburban development, with a sharpened focus on the development of new suburbs. As the city continues to grow, we will need to continue to develop vibrant new suburbs in greenfield locations. The challenges of land availability and affordability will be an absolute focus of my Government.
Chief Minister | Treasurer | Minister for Economic Development | Minister for Tourism & Major Events