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Business Law
According to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, losing your job ranks eight out of ten on the list of life’s most stressful events. But when it is unexpected, or happens as a result of something that seems unfair, it can be even more traumatic. In the 2016-2017 financial year, 11,160 cases of unfair dismissal were brought against employers...

Expert Advice
Property development in Canberra is booming, with a swag of new land releases open to the public over the past few years, and new developments popping up right across the territory – from Tuggeranong to Kingston, Braddon, Belconnen and Gungahlin. It’s exciting times for many Canberrans, who have had the opportunity to secure never-before-lived on land, or snap up brand...

Family Law
Although many of us suffer from the illusion that life goes on forever, most of us are also smart enough to understand the importance of having a Will. It’s that little piece of paper that assures you, and your loved ones, that they will be cared for if/when something were to happen to you. But, many of us also struggle...

Local Leaders
The property landscape in Canberra is changing. We’ve always had one of the lowest population densities of all major cities in Australia, however demand for apartments and townhouses is increasing, as affordability for land in suburbs close to the city decreases. But it’s not just about location. Rather than a 1000m2 block of land to care for, many “new age”...

Local Leaders
For over 30 years, RSM Australia (previously RSM Bird Cameron) has been a household name in Canberra for tax and accounting services. But their story starts way back in 1922, when one accountant decided to start his own business, travelling around regional Western Australia offering accounting and taxation advice to farmers and small store keepers. Before long he needed more...