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The University of Canberra is branching out beyond its campus at Bruce to partner with Poplars Developments and Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) at an innovation precinct at South Jerrabomberra, to explore a range of educational opportunities. The university has signed a memorandum of understanding that will take advantage of the Poplars Innovation Precinct's focus on connecting industry, research, learning and...

Pushing your limits in the gym is no longer a matter of counting how many repetitions you can push out, with technology developed in Canberra now helping sports teams and athletes across the world ensure each rep hits its maximum. By measuring the power of each movement, the team at GymAware in Mitchell has pushed the science of movement ahead...

The workplaces of Canberra are talking table tennis after the inaugural leg of the 2021 Table Tennis Corporate Cup found Canberra's top workplace team at the ACT Table Tennis headquarters at Kingston on Friday, 23 April. A team from Services Australia won the event from Icon Water and Canberra Innovation Network, while teams from Northrop Engineering, Dixon Advisory, Nexia Canberra...

The ACT Government will continue with the ChooseCBR voucher scheme's full rollout despite claims from the Opposition that the scheme has ignored Canberra businesses and had poor take-up by the multicultural business community. The $500,000 trial went live in December last year and 302 businesses registered in the first week. But it was greeted with a lukewarm response by Canberrans...

Businesses will soon move into the South Jerrabomberra Innovation Precinct, which was named as NSW's third regional jobs hub on Friday, 5 March. The precinct is a joint venture between the NSW Government, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) and Poplars Developments that will target industries such as defence, space, cybersecurity, information technology and scientific research sectors. More than 1200 new homes...

Businesses in Green Square, Kingston, are bouncing back as shoppers and specialty stores return the precinct to its former glory. Long-term retailers such as Stephanie's Boutique Lingerie, Joe's Boots, and Honeysuckle and Lace have ridden the ebbs and flows, but a new wave of businesses are helping the area boom again when just 12 months ago some were facing going...

Local Leaders
From flying P-3 Orion aircraft in the air force to making Flying V guitars, there is a reverb around Russell 'Rusty' Vance's custom-made guitars that are making a big noise in the Australian and international music scene. While working in the Royal Australian Air Force, Rusty had a posting to RMAF Base Butterworth in Malaysia and found he had a...

Being brave in business has paid off for a Canberra tutor who was one of four winners at the nationally recognised Altitude Awards in Sydney on Saturday, 7 November. Hannah Taylor began tutoring students as a side project to her public service job, but soon found the real learnings came from one-on-one tutoring. "Even if I'd have a rubbish day...

Canberra businesses seeking to expand their networks into the Asia-Pacific region will benefit from a number of memorandums of understanding (MoU) for cross-cultural trade that were recently signed in the ACT. The Asia-Pacific Business Alliance (APBA), launched in front of an audience of Australian business, government and industry officials at a Business Leaders’ Forum in Canberra on Friday, 6 November,...

ACT WorkSafe Commissioner Jacqueline Agius has been in the job for six months but is motivated by the scars from a serious workplace incident more than 25 years ago to ensure compliance with work, health and safety laws so other workers aren't at risk. "It was a serious occupational violence incident," Ms Agius told Region Media, recalling a knife attack...

The owner of a gymnasium in Queanbeyan says she is losing customers to gyms in nearby Fyshwick and Kingston because of restrictions on numbers allowed in NSW gyms compared with Canberra. Despite there being no active COVID-19 cases in the Canberra and Queanbeyan region since the start of July, the owner of F45 in Queanbeyan, Pip De Vries, said she...

A survey of 300 businesses in Braddon has revealed that more than half face the prospect of closure before the end of the year if another lockdown were to occur due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey also found that 68 per cent of businesses experienced revenue loss during restrictions of between 50 and 100 per cent, and 17 per...

Local Leaders
Manuel Xyrakis always wanted a cash register for Christmas and had aspirations of being an accountant. Instead, he inherited a supermarket that has become his second home. He's really only had a break at his first home due to COVID-19. Mr Xyrakis jokes his nephews Nicholas, Dimitri and Keith locked him out of the Ainslie IGA during the COVID-19 pandemic...

Working from home has given many of us the chance to live in our old clothes, but one Canberran has decided to instead use the lockdown to sell clothing. After returning from the United States, Tom Falco knew there was a market for fashionable clothes from many of the top US sporting teams. "It's a business idea that I've had...

You could say Capital Chemist Calwell has a winning touch, with one of its staff members, Lucinda Kenny, being named as the best intern in Australia. Lucinda, better known as Lucy to her colleagues and friends, also has a passion for skin and dermatology and says ailments with the skin are one of the most common reasons patients come into...

Providing resuscitation to someone gasping for air is one thing you may think twice about during the COVID-19 pandemic. With current social distancing laws in effect, ensuring first-aid responders have the best training to administer the breath of life has also been a challenge. One of Canberra’s leading first-aid training providers, ACTWell First Aid Training, has also had to hold...