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You don’t need to climb Everest to get into shape!
April 2013 Issue 81
What's the reason we go to work? What's the reason we eat? What'sthe reason we exercise? Firstly, we go to work because in this urbanised society a secure jobthat provides for our basic needs presents us and those around us agreater chance live a full and enriched life. Secondly, eating is a necessity of life. We eat to satisfy our...
Gifts to self managed superannuation funds under your will
April 2013 Issue 81
Can you make a gift in your will to a self managed superannuationfund (SMSF)? Yes. But it is rarely used and potentially treacherous path. However,if you find a safe way through your beneficiaries could reap substantial rewards. Take the following scenario. Carlisle has two kids Jasper and Alice.Carlisle gets bad news from his doctor and he knows his time is...
Is your document security up to scratch?
April 2013 Issue 81
With a huge escalation in the amount of information received by organisations it's now increasingly important to keep sensitive information securely protected. Technology is a great enabler, and as much as it provides more opportunity for businesses to achieve success, it is unbiased in who and how success is achieved: just look at WikiLeaks. The challenge of protecting business critical...
The Governance of sport
April 2013 Issue 81
Another start to a sporting year, and the headlines have been mostly negative, whether it relates to the major football codes, cricket or indeed Olympic sports. The reviews undertaken after the Olympics and recently announced by the Australian Sports Commission have clearly focuses on improving corporate governance. A couple of quotes from a recent statement affirms this view: "While good...
Organisations on the move
Business Advisory
We'll get your business and your people set up, in place and ready forwork on time. Total Solutions For You We have expertise in professional relocation management andcommercial relocation services. We understand the wider issues, theneed for careful planning, detailed project management and clearcommunication with your staff. Our experienced team takes total responsibility for your relocation,leaving you to concentrate on...
Financial planning and why we’re open for business
April 2013 Issue 81
David Rae has been advising clients on their insurance and investment needs for the last 14 years but lately his focus hasstarted to change. His starting point with clients is to understand what is important to them. Goal Setting and What is Important to You? "I've been spending more time recently talking with clients not just about their goals but...
Open for business; Beames wants you!
April 2013 Issue 81
Beames and Associates, one of Canberra's most reputable and well regarded mid-size accountingfi rms has recently admitted its 5th partner making it truly open for business and ready to service new clients. "It was with great pleasure that we admitted one of our longestserving employees Andrew Nesbitt into our partnership ranks in July2012," says founding partner Peter Beames. "Andrew started...
Business with miles
Cover Story
You probably love your business, but does it: 1. Give you a good income based on the effort and equity you have invested? 2. Give you the lifestyle and relaxing holidays you expect? 3. Give you the time you want to spend with family and friends? 4. Run itself if you are away? 5. Have a team who enjoy working...
KEY Real Estate
Cover Story
KEY Real Estate ACT Pty Limited's founding principle is unbeatable: Knowledge + Excellence = Yield (a great result for our clients) Our service offering starts at the top. Our hands-on directors Gay Spooner and Gabriele Hume have a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of Real Estate. With a combined experience of 28 years in the ACT and NSW market,...
Is your super enough to secure your financial future?
Cover Story
The scary reality is that 86.6% of Australians will retire on $16,000 p/a or less. Is that going to be enough to maintain your current lifestyle? It is estimated that you will need approx $800,000 Super to allow you to survive for the average life expectancy of 22 years after retiring at 65. How is your super account looking? What...
Cost saving and productivity telephony solutions
Cover Story
Every organisation, no matter what its size, must be able to deliver both precise and rapid services to meet today's high customer expectations. Over the past decade telephony has transformed from fixed line phone calls to the cost effective use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for calls (VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol); through Unified Communications' applications that deliver the...
Netmium: canberra’s boutique it support provider
Cover Story
Netmium started as ACT Essential Business Services in 1997 following the birth of Vlado Mamic and his wife's daughter. Essentially the business was formed to take into consideration the pressures of parenting and the need Vlado had found with small to medium businesses requiring a 'boutique' service. "It became abundantly clear when we first kicked off the business that small...
Canberra Regional Director, Paul Lomas
Cover Story
Paul Lomas, Regional Director of BNI Canberra, works closely with all BNI members, helping them to utilise the proven BNI system to build strong long term professional relationships which, given time to develop, can turn into very profitable relationships. Paul says, "Word of mouth marketing is about farming not hunting. It is not about one off meetings. It is about...
Dodgy software development hasbeen responsible for everything from Olympic defeat to death by radiation poisoning. Several deaths were reported in cancerpatients who received massive overdosesof radiation resulting from glitches in theTherac-25 radiation therapy software thatwas supposed to be treating them. Morefortunate was Spanish boxer Rafael Lozano,who defeated his US opponent Eric Griffin totake gold at the 1992 Olympics thanks to...
Paladin- Creating risk gladiators
Paladin Risk Management Services is the only training organisation in Australia with an approved Diploma Course in Risk Management and Business Continuity. Rod identified that within the risk management profession there were few Diploma Courses with broad based appeal and that the majority of courses were focused in specific areas such as Workplace Health and Safety and Security. "I saw...
RSM Bird Cameron explains how to cut Government cost without cutting the Serice
RSM Bird Cameron's 10 options for government agencies to sustainably reduce costs while generating new value for their citizens for the long term. The impact of the Global Financial Crisis (mark I & II), have left most western governments with substantial budget deficits. Most experts agree (and as time goes on they are being proven right), that this economic downturn...