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Will small business do the heavy lifting?
Business Advisory
As this article goes to print, the final touches are being put to the first budget from the Abbott led federal government. The Treasurer, Joe Hockey, has been vocal about Australians having to do the so-called 'heavy lifting' in this forthcoming budget - meaning that there is likely to be fiscal restraint announced that will impact all of the economy....
Getting your business ‘sale ready’
Corporate Governance
I recently studied the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures regarding businesses in the ACT, and while the figures are a little old, they tell an important and consistent story. At any given time, there are approximately 25,000 businesses in Canberra - each year approximately 4,000 start and 4,000 exit. Assuming Canberra is similar to other jurisdictions in Australia, you can...
Have you considered a management buy out?
Business Advisory
A management buy out or MBO is a transaction where a company's managers obtain debt and/or equity financing from a bank or the existing owner to purchase the company's assets and operations that they are responsible for managing. Many business owners include senior employees in their succession plan, either because of previous commitments; because they feel the employees "deserve" the...
Redundancy payments – do you have to share?
How can a redundancy payment impact on your family law settlement? The Coalition Government's decision to cut 12,000 public sector jobs during its term means that some government departments have started to offer or will be offering redundancies, both voluntary and A redundancy payment, whether voluntary or forced, can impact on a family law property settlement. It can also have...
An estate plan is not just a will
Estate Planning
Okay so you finally go around to doing your will. Well done! You will probably find that spending a little bit of time (and money) drafting your will goes a long way to giving you some peace of mind. But as important as it is having a will in place is not enough. You ought to consider the following: Do...
Trade mark oppositions – important information
Expert Advice
Did you know that if a trade mark application is accepted by IP Australia, it is advertised in an Official Trade Marks Journal? At any time within two months from the date of the advertisement, a third party can file a notice of intention to oppose the registration with a view to starting opposition proceedings. In theory, anybody can file...
Avoiding burnout
Expert Advice
It was a long and successful term at Healthy Identity. Along with our sister company, Tennis Canberra, we have very tired sport and health coaches. For our tennis coaches the Australian Open was kind to business with Canberrans flocking to the tennis courts over the hot Australian summer. I have to admit - I love what I do, however teaching...
Property investment through your SMSF
Expert Advice
As mentioned in my April column about the benefits of investing in property through your Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) there are tight restrictions and essential processes in proceeding down this path Compliance with each of these elements can be quite daunting but there are legal, financial planning and mortgage brokering professionals who have expertise in SMSF investment property purchasing...
How to follow up on leads to your website with Google AdWords
Expert Advice
Have you ever visited a website to book a holiday to Fiji and then wondered why every website you visit after that is showing you ads for tropical holiday deals? It is very likely that you are being "re-marketed" to via the Google Ad Display Network. This is a really great online marketing tool and it is available to all...
Take advantage of mobile commerce
Expert Advice
The ecommerce and mobile commerce trend is continually growing in Australia. More than 75% of people choose mobile devices for the convenience factor. Around 17% of Australians shop via their mobile devices. Most people keep their mobile devices close to them throughout the day. The natural progression is to buy goods and services via mobile, because it's accessible, fast and...
Want to join the C-suite?
Expert Advice
If you want to join the C-suite (CEO, CFO, CIO, COO), you are not alone since a recent Hays survey concluded that more than half of all employees working in Australia aspire to be high-level executives. In a survey of 1,364 professionals, 55% said they aspire to a position as a top executive and a further 295 said they have...
Struggle. Survive. Evolve
CONGRATULATIONS! You've Finally Managed To Put Together Your Dream Website, But Here Comes the More Difficult Challenge… I know for a fact that getting your website up and ready is bit of a painful process in its own right and once it is ready the excitement of sharing the accomplishment with your friends, family, co-workers and employees is just overwhelming....
Targeting talent in an employer’s market
The worm has turned and finally market conditions are in the favour of employers. Hallelujah! Staff retention rates for Canberra are at an all-time high, and advertised jobs have reduced significantly So there must be a real glut of great candidates to dip into right? Eureka!! Now must be a great time to shed some 'dead wood' and rebalance the...
Why parents of young children need wills
I am currently at the stage of life where I seem to spend every second weekend attending a baby shower. Planning for the arrival of a baby is a busy time and most first time mothers have long lists of things to do or buy. Given the significant change in family circumstances and responsibilities once a child comes along, estate...
RSM Bird Cameron Canberra: A firm for the future
Cover Story
When Garry Lee moved his family to Canberra in 1984 to head up a new office comprising of one accountant (Garry) and two administrative staff, he wasn't sure how long he'd last. "Our first month in Canberra, there was something like 23 frosts. The heater didn't work in my wife's old Toyota and she got frostbite in her toes," Garry...
Signs of resilience in the face of uncertainty
April 2014 Issue 92
Over the coming six weeks all eyes will turn to the Commonwealth Budget and its implications for the Territory. The employment and spending cuts expected to be inflicted by the Commonwealth's Commission of Audit and 2014-15 Budget are creating uncertainty in Canberra - making households and businesses more cautious to spend and invest. There is no doubt that economic growth...