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On 7 January, 2021, at Parliament House, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that COVID-19 vaccinations will begin rolling out in Australia as early as next month, with health and aged-care workers to be among the first in line to receive the jab. The Federal Government previously mandated flu vaccines for all aged-care workers and visitors to aged-care facilities in Australia...

Expert Advice
With concerns about building construction quality in the ACT becoming more prevalent, those buying a new dwelling or constructing their own may increasingly look to statutory warranties and insurance schemes for protection. However, the recent case of The Owners - Units Plan No. 3115 v The Trustees of the Master Builders Fidelity Fund Scheme FCA 115 (The Owners -...

Expert Advice
Scamming; we know it happens – but mainly to “others”; we dread it happening to us. But do you really appreciate how easily you can fall victim? With the advent of digital globalisation – particularly internet banking - stealing a person’s money has become relatively “easy”. Last year alone, according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, there were 177,516...

Business Law
If everything isn’t black and white, I say, “Why the hell not?” - John Wayne Can two people read the same sentence, but take away different meanings? The answer to that question, depending on the people, is ‘Yes’. But what is the legal consequence, and how can a contract be enforced, should that occur? That was the question asked of...

Business Law
For some businesses, this headline should be met with the reaction, “Really? Again?”. However, many businesses do not yet realise that the security regime established under the Personal Properties Security Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) is a fundamental part of doing business in Australia. It is apparent to us that many Canberra businesses remain unaware of the system. Unfortunately, we keep...

No landlord wants to find themselves in a position where a tenant who has recently entered into a ten-year lease with an option to renew for five years, becomes insolvent. However, there is always a risk a tenant will become insolvent during the term of a lease. As a landlord, you need to be aware of your rights if this...