Once again, the Canberra Branch of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) is holding an annual conference to bring its members and other IT professionals up to date with major issues and innovations in the IT industry. Conference chair and Canberra Branch Chair, Dr Tim Turner, FACS, said “The conference theme of Drones, Droids and Robots is drawn from National Science Week. It’s application to our conference lies around the obvious central matters of drones, droids and robots but also includes ideas like automation more broadly, machine learning and artificial intelligence, sensors and the internet of things, the data that arises from those sensors and autonomous machines and its analysis. We will also explore the ethical issues around machine learned decision making and the behaviour of autonomous machines.”
The ACS is partnering with several like-minded organisations in arranging and presenting the conference. Members from associations such as Women in Information and Communication (WIC), the Data Management Association (DAMA), Information Technology Educators of the ACT (InTEACT), the Australian Institute of Management (AIM), and the International Institute of Business Analysts (IIBA) will all be welcomed to streams and events offered by these partner organisations on the day.
The ACS is partnering with several like-minded organisations in arranging and presenting the conference. Members from associations such as Women in
Information and Communication (WIC), the Data Management Association (DAMA), Information Technology Educators of the ACT (InTEACT), the Australian Institute of Management (AIM), and the International Institute of Business Analysts (IIBA) will all be welcomed to streams and events offered by these partner organisations on the day.
Arrangements are well underway with a growing number of exciting speakers identified for the conference. The ACS Canberra Branch is especially pleased to be able to announce that Mr Jon Cumming, Chief Digital Officer for the ACT Government and Mr Miguel Carracos, Partner at Boston Consulting Group, will be delivering keynote addresses, along with the ACS President, Mr Anthony Wong. The Chief Minister of the ACT, Mr Andrew Barr, MLA, Patron of the ACS Canberra Branch, will speak at the dinner that concludes the conference.
Registrations will open soon. Keep watching our events page: http://www.acs.org.au/branches/canberra/events Sponsorship opportunities exist for organisations interested in supporting IT professionalism in the ACT, especially around the conference theme.

For all information about the conference, please contact: Ms Jenalle Wei, ACS Canberra Branch office [email protected], 02 6143 5503.