Outward Bound is an experiential learning opportunity utilising the outdoors as a classroom to help people realise that they have greater capabilities, skill sets, strengths and potential than they know.
Our programs are an educational process. We provide our participants with the chance to experience adversity by throwing them challenges with other people who they may or may not know, on problems that are not readily solvable – all within unknown environments.
Outward Bound is unlike other outdoor recreation centres. People come away with a lot of outdoor skills but it’s really about the educational process and the fact of “Getting people to realise that they are 80% gold is really worthwhile.”
The education process comes down to helping people realise that every aspect of what they are about comes from cultures, upbringing and experiences they have faced in their lives. “When people come on an Outward Bound Program this is what we tap into.”
Overcoming false senses of entitlement, recognising how actions affect others and building resilience are just some of things that an Outward Bound Australia program may address.
“A brilliant time to come on an Outward Bound program is when the social norms of your life shift dramatically; the transition into adulthood, your first job or your first promotion into middle management or having children.”
Other tremendous times to consider Outward Bound programs are when someone has experienced trauma in their life. For example, we run programs for women of courage and people who have come through domestic violence. We can provide an Outward Bound program that captures what they need to realise their value and potential.
Outward Bound Australia is always looking for partners and funders who are genuinely involved and interested in people development. It can be within a Commercial, NGO, University or Schools context. We work with organisations such as Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME), The Smith Family, Karralika Programs and Menslink.
All of our work relies on donations from our corporate partners, trusts and foundations, as well as individual donors.
Become involved with us today. We offer a range of programs for corporate organisations, community groups, sporting teams, schools and families. We also have a range of open enrolment programs for youth and adults which run during most holiday periods. We have locations in Canberra, Northern New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia.
Interested in funding a program to empower an individual/s or donating to Outward Bound Australia?
Contact us on
02 62355700
[email protected]
Listen to the extended interview: